Family Comes!

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The light of day in the Ring of Pride seeped through the curtains of the bedroom window. The room that belonged to the three lovers, Izuku, Charlie and Vaggie. It was fairly early in the morning as Izuku began to stir awake, blinking a few times as his vision cleared up. A smile on his face as he looked down at the peaceful expressions on the two girls' faces as they slept. Latched onto him tightly as if he was gonna float away.

Which he was seeing as he had a routine to keep up with. So he did his best to carefully unfurl himself out of their arms and out of the bed. Leaving the two to quickly grab onto one another as their main source of warmth had left them. Chuckling at the sight he gently readjusted the blanket over them and gave them each a quick peck to the cheek. The two smiled at the feeling as he soon left the room.

He typically preferred to start his days early, mainly to give himself enough time to properly prep himself for whatever the day brought. That and considering it's about six am no one else would be awake to bother him. Mainly Angel. Right now however he was heading to the kitchen to make food for himself and the girls since they should be awake within the next hour.

"Why good morning my good sir!" A familiar radio voice filled his ears, much to his slight annoyance. "Good to see someone else has the foresight to wake up early. After all, the early bird gets worms you know!"

"Morning to you too, Al. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that you are up considering your radio show days."

"Yes, it's a habit that I can't break from. My show may have been on a long hiatus but with the new entertainment on the way I am simply ecstatic to get it up and running again." He laughed with a wide smile, a short laugh track trailing behind his voice.

"Oh, how I shake with anticipation." Izuku said sarcastically, letting out a sigh as he went into the kitchen. "Do you want anything or are you good?"

"Offering me a meal? And here I thought you didn't like me that much."

"I may not like you but that doesn't mean I am not a good host."

"How kind of you, however I have already had my breakfast. In fact, I was just about to head out for my morning stroll when I caught you." He continued to smile as he began walking away. "I will be back later today, I have some business to take care of. Do give my best to the princess for me."

"Alrighty then. If you happen to visit Rosie, mind telling her I will be free this weekend so she can cash in her favor then."

"Will do." And like that Alastor had left. Leaving Izuku to sigh in some form of relief.

"Whelp. Better get back to breakfast. I think something sweet will make Charlie happy. Pancakes and a fruit owl maybe." He mused to himself as he started getting every set up. "Vaggie is gonna want something a bit more on the savory side, though. A good omelet will do her some good."

Several items began floating around him as he began his task. As he was mixing some batter, he felt a small vibration in his pocket for him to raise an eyebrow in slight confusion. The bowl floated away as he checked the message he had received from a contact simply titled "White Star".

'Well this will either end really good or really bad.' He thought with a small hum as all the utensils and ingredients continued to float about and continue meal preparation. Looking over the message as he replied.

White Star: "Are we still set to meet today?"

"Yes. I am still free today."

"Glorious. Shall I have something special prepared for our activities?

"Nothing in particular should be needed. 
Unless you have something planned.😏"

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