Chapter 1

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Sunlight filters in through the window, highlighting every single colour and spark about the place. Light dances off the windows, making rainbows glitter in my eyes. Bright and beautiful, just like the girl standing in the middle of it all.

I am not ignoring the fact that I'm being a complete and utter creep right now, but instead embracing it. No one knows, and no one has to know. It's just me and her. The way it should be. The way I wish with everything I am that it-

"Alpha Caden!"

I jump, hitting my head on a low hanging awning and cursing quietly.

I suppose that's what one gets for snooping around in alleys and spying on people they definitely shouldn't be.

Giggles erupt from beside me, and I whip around to find... nothing?

Something lands on my back, arms and legs wrapping so tight around my throat and abdomen that air has to squeeze through my lungs in order for me to breathe properly.

"Are you spying on miss Ally again?" A very serious, very girly voice whisper shouts in my ear.

I roll my eyes as a smile plays on my lips.

This kid...

"Not spying, remember?" I say, hoisting her higher on my back.

She shakes her finger. "Right. Just making sure she's safe. I remember. But I think being super spy's is more fun."

I chuckle, ducking out of the ally and using physical force to keep my eyes from stealing one last glance at a certain bakery.

"It probably would be more fun, but I have a very important job to do," I state with mock seriousness.

"Do you wanna protect her because you have a crush on her?" She whisper shouts once again.

I sigh. If only it were that childish. That easy to understand and therefore ignore.

"Alpha's don't have crushes, silly," I say. "Now, the real question is am I going to be handed a missing kid report today, or are you actually following the rules for once?"

Silence ensues my words, and I know I have my answer.

I crouch, allowing the little girl from my back to slide off and stand before I turn around to face her.

Wide blue eyes stare back at me. A heart shaped face framed by tight little blond curls pulled up into two adorable ponytails.

Her long black lashes droop to touch her cheeks as I set my hands on her shoulders.

"Molly," I start. "we've talked about this."

She bites her lip, and my heart aches at the tear that she quickly swipes away.

"Kai and Hillary were fighting again, Ms. Jane was yelling at a group of girls that were colouring on the walls, Robert kept pulling on my pigtails, and it was too loud."

Her lip quivers on the words, and I don't even have to think before pulling her into my arms.

I like to imagine the program I developed over the years is flawless, but Molly is an example of how many flaws it truly has.

Most packs, no matter how cruel they think it is, throw orphaned children out. If your parents die or leave, you are automatically considered a rogue, but not here.

I had an orphanage built in my pack. I made a place for kids to feel safe and wanted with a chance of possibly belonging in a different home one day.

I gave them a home, but, as I look at Molly's tear stained cheeks, I realize I can never give them the one thing they need; security.

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