Chapter 11

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"Have we eliminated neighbouring packs?" Nixx asks he looks down at the map.

He jumped right into action once I explained Alairia's situation, just like I knew he would.

"I supply all of my neighbours with Silverthorn weapons," I say, eyeing the map where those neighbours are. "There's no way they would jeopardize that. They rely too heavily on me."

Nixx crosses off two places on the map. Two out of probably hundreds. We don't have enough time to search the whole forest.

Alairia doesn't have time.

My heart clenches.

"There are a lot less rogue groups than there are packs," Nixx says, meeting my eyes before adding, "I say we start with them."

It is unlikely that a pack would take Alairia. What do they have to gain from kidnapping my mate?

Nobody is supposed to know that she's your mate, my wolf growls.

Shock floods up my system. I had completely forgotten. Nobody except a very close group of people know that Alairia is my mate. The chances that she was randomly taken from my pack because of nothing but her luck is unlikely. Whoever took her knows that she's my mate, meaning they're connected to my pack somehow.

I meet Marcel's eyes from his position by the door, and by the look on his face, he just had the same realization that I did.

"Nobody is supposed to know about Alairia," I say, eyes looking at the map but not really seeing it. "If she was truly taken because of her connection to me, than that means our list just got a lot shorter."

"You think someone from your pack took her?" Nixx asks.

The only people outside of my pack that know are Nixx, Nixx's beta, and Noella, Nixx's mate. None of them would even think about taking Alairia, so that leaves the people in my pack.

My hand moves to rub the back of my neck, worry making knots form there.

"Or they told someone outside of my pack," I say, more to myself.

Nixx considers a moment before nodding to himself about something. "We need to form a list. Once we have suspects, this will be a lot easier."

I nod. "I already have one. I personally know each and every individual that knows. I don't hand this information out lightly."

Nixx smiles sadly. "I know." Then, rolling up the map, he says, "We're going to find her. We won't stop until we do."

I don't deserve his friendship, and yet, with Alairia's safety dangling in the air, I take it anyway.

"Thank you, Nixx," I say, pushing as much gratitude as I can into my voice, forcing him to see how sincere I am.

He only nods. "It's what friends do."


Once we got back to Red Moon I had Marcel gather my mental list of people and have them wait in my office.

Nixx insisted on coming back with me, and wherever he goes Kyler goes, so now the four of us are walking toward my office, already dreading the doom to come once we enter.

I pause outside the door, my heart racing and lungs skipping. I don't get nervous, but something about Alairia turns every emotion I have into chaos. She flips my reality every time I think I know something. My world isn't safe if she isn't.

"Marcel," I say, turning to catch his eyes in the group. "Can you have weapons and gear ready for when we're done? I want to leave as soon as I know where she is."

His Little RuntOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz