Chapter 10

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The rock cuts into my thumb, bringing me back to the present with sharp force. I had been rolling it in circles between my fingers as my thoughts roamed wild.

My eyes glance down to the small scrape, not even bleeding. It reminds me of the glass that had penetrated there not too long ago. The skin of my hands had healed rather quickly thanks to my speed healing, but the reminder still remains. The reminder that Caden came to me immediately when he found out. That he dropped whatever he was doing just to come and make sure that I was ok.

Just like I know he's coming now. He won't stop until he finds me. I just hope he isn't too late.

The door falls open and I jump, pushing myself further into the corner.

My eyes adjust only to see the man from earlier looming in front of me, a smug smile taking up his face.

"Hello again," he greets cheerfully, like he didn't lock me in here a couple hours ago. "Ready to meet your betrothed?"

Bile rises in my throat, and I barely keep it from coming all the way up.

"A little quieter today, I see?" He asks as he walks forward and yanks me up. "That's alright. I didn't like your yapping anyways."

A shudder falls from my head to my toes, leaving goosebumps in its wake. I don't think I've ever been this scared in my life. Being in the middle of something you have no idea the details to is like standing in the centre of a maze filled with monsters.

"My name is Dall, by the way. I've always found the name of Alpha to be too animalistic, so we don't use formal titles here."

Dall. So that's who the twins were talking about. The leader of this little human group.

He pulls me outside, and though the warm air brushes against my skin, I feel nothing but the bitter cold that's filled my bones.

His grip turns bruising as he leans down, and the feel of his breath against my ear almost makes me whimper in disgust.

"You will do well to behave here," he says, low and dangerous. "This new alliance of ours will mean that only one leader can come out on top, and I would hate for little Caden to suffer because you couldn't do what you were told."

A burst of anger rushes through, giving me enough confidence to lift my chin.

"He will never succumb to the likes of a puny human." I spit.

The slap comes, fast and sharp, but I was expecting it, so I don't let surprise show.

"That may be the case," he starts. "but once I get my hands on that pathetic orphanage, I bet his mind could be swayed."


The gasped word is out before I can stop it, showing him exactly what my weakness is. What Caden's weakness is.

He knows exactly how to play the game of power.

He smiles. "Did I hit a nerve? I'm so glad you care for those little rogues. My efforts would be in vain otherwise."

Icicles drip down my spine in cold fear. "What efforts?"

He dawns a knowing look, but instead of answering, he just starts to walk, dragging me along with him.

"You will know soon enough."

I can't think straight anymore. Everything has gone through a blender in the past 24 hours, and trying to pick out the information I need is impossible.

Fear is gnawing at my insides at the prospect that Dall has men on the inside. That we've walking around with rogue humans while they gather every bit of knowledge they can from us.

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