The prophecy

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Albus Dumbledore was a powerful wizard. Indeed he was the one person that Voldemort feared. However in recent events it came to the attention of people that there was a second wizard that Voldemort had no interest in fighting. That wizard was none other than Harry James Potter. Voldemort was now running scared of yet one more person on the planet.

Albus sat behind his desk and stared into the fire. He was reliving the events that took place in the Department of Mysteries in the Ministry of Magic. Harry bravely put himself in harms way to rescue his godfather. Sirius Black was the one that almost died. Thanks to Harry, Sirius was alive and well and currently in St Mungo's receiving medical treatment. The fight in the Atrium led many to believe that Harry and Albus had been telling the truth the whole time. The Minister for Magic himself witnessed the confrontation between Harry and Voldemort. Voldemort had finally attempted to do the one thing that Albus feared the most. He attempted to possess Harry however briefly. Fortunately for everyone, Harry's soul was so pure that Voldemort did not stay in for long. Albus had no doubt that Voldemort was in his hiding place at the moment nursing his wounds and counting his good fortune to still be alive. From there, the Ministry officials sat down and listened with a careful expression to everything that Harry had to tell them.

"Minister Fudge," said Harry loud enough for everyone to hear. "My friends and I have discovered some interesting information that may help us to end this war once and for all. You have witnessed with your own eyes that Professor Dumbledore and I have been telling you the truth for a year now. It is time that action be taken to stop the spread of the dark army. We can win this if you only listen to what we are trying to tell you. We have chosen our side. It is time for you to do the same. We want the end of Voldemort. It is time for the side of the Light to win. However we can not do it without your help. Please listen to us this time. We can end this once and for all."

Albus was so proud of Harry that night. He stood up for his beliefs and spoke his mind. By the end of the evening he had the Minister of Magic on his knees begging for forgiveness. It was two days later that Cornelius Fudge resigned as Minster and Delores Umbridge was fired. Amelia Bones was currently acting as Minister until a new one could be found and voted in.

Harry and his classmates all returned to Hogwarts and were healed quickly by Poppy Pomfrey. None of the students were in any danger of dying, but Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley would have scars on their bodies for the rest of their lives. There was nothing that could be done about that. Harry felt very guilty about the events. Hermione had to forcibly tell him on more than one occasion to shut up. She knew that Harry was not to blame. He had on made more than one attempt at getting the group to stay behind. Their loyalty is what had them follow him into the most speculated part of the magical community and into the hands of the best laid out trap. When it was all said and done, Harry and his classmates succeeded in stopping Voldemort form getting his hands on the Prophecy. They were all, safely back in Hogwarts. It was then that Harry approached him. Albus was in a conundrum as to what to do from here. Harry had approached him and asked that he not be sent back to the Dursleys.

"Professor Dumbledore," said Harry. "We have to start trusting each other now if we are going to beat Voldemort. You are not telling me everything that I need to know and I am just as guilty of this as you are. I am begging you to not send me back to the Dursleys. They are cruel people who refuse to let me eat. I get hit often, beaten, and I am treated like a slave. Now that Sirius is a free man, let me stay at Grimmauld Place. I will be fine there."

"Very well Harry," said Albus. "I have need of your help anyway. This way I can kill two birds with one stone as the saying goes."

"What is it that you need help with?" asked Harry curious despite himself. "I will help in any way that I can Professor. I just need you to be honest with me and tell me everything that needs to be known about the situation."

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