Visits and information

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Within days, the end of the year of school approached. Albus awarded Ravenclaw the house cup. They won by a narrow margin, but they were in the lead. It was the first time in a very long time that a house other than Gryffindor or Slytherin had won. During his announcements it was asked where Harry and his friends were.

"Professor Dumbledore?" asked Ron Weasley. "Where are Harry, Hermione and Neville? I have not seen them in two days."

"Mr. Potter has been given permission to leave school a few days early because of the death of his godfather. Miss Granger, Mr. Longbottom, and Miss Lovegood have all received permission to be with Harry in his time of need."

"Where are they though?" asked Ginny. "He has not answered any of our letters and such."

"His location is private," said Albus sharply. "He requested certain people to be with him and we have approved it. His where about is none of your concern. I suggest that you give it some time. If Mr. Potter desires to speak with you then he will contact you. You are to leave him alone until that time."

Ron and Ginny looked at each other. Severus could have sworn he saw a look pass between the two of them that did not look like it would bode well for Harry. He decided to up his observation of the youngest Weasleys. He was sure that they knew something about Sirius Black's death and he was determined to get to the bottom of it.

Back in Grimmauld Place the group was discussing their exams.

"I am sure that I passed DADA," said Harry. "I have no doubt that I failed Divination and History of Magic. Those subjects are absolutely abysmal. I am pretty confident I did well in my other subjects. At least my potion was correct. The examiner said it was perfect."

"I am sure that I passed all of my classes also," said Hermione. "We all knew you would pass DADA Harry. That was a given. You are the best in our year in that subject. How about you Draco? Do you think you did ok in your subjects?"

"I certainly hope so," said Draco. "I hated History. COMC was not that great for me either. I just didn't care much for Hagrid. I doubt anyone did really well in Divination. That has to be the lamest subject of them all."

"I have no doubt that I got an O in Herbology," piped in Neville. "It was my favorite subject. I am definantly going to go for a NEWT in it. I will probably go for a NEWT in Charms and COMC as well."

Remus walked into the kitchen and sat down. He looked tired. Winky brought him a cup of tea. He thanked her and sipped it. Harry and the others all sat with him.

"What news have you brought us?" asked Harry. "Have you heard anything about who might have been involved with Sirius' death?"

"We will be going to Gringotts tomorrow," said Remus. "The Ministry of Magic has pushed through the reading of the will of Sirius. Albus and Severus will join us for the reading. From there, we can go shopping in Diagon Alley. We have discussed that it would be beneficial for you all to get sixth year books in all of the subjects that you are current taking. That way we don't have to go back and forth after your OWL results come in."

"We were talking about that," said Harry. "We figured that it might be for the best to study on the side even if we are not going for a NEWT in certain subjects. What have you heard about Sirius' death?"

"We checked the hospital records for anyone who went to the ward that Sirius was on," said Remus. Many people visited him that day. What struck us as odd was that Delores Umbridge and Percy Weasley were also on that list. Albus and Severus are currently speaking with the other twenty three people who visited him on the day he was poisoned. The medi witch was questioned both under Veritaserum and through use of Legilimency and it was discovered that while she administered the poison, she was under the Imperius Curse at the time. As it stands, it was mostly people from the Order of the Phoenix that visited Sirius. As I said, Severus and Albus are currently questioning everyone that visited on the day of his death. When they have questioned everyone, then we will know more."

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