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The staff and students were very unsure of what to do. The day of Harry's birthday arrived. It was decided that for the night that Harry and the rest of the group would all stay in the infirmary in case there was something that needed to be done. A very special healer from St. Mungo's was called in so that he could assist the staff and students. No one was certain which of the people on Harry's list would be affected by his inheritance.

They all dined together that evening and spent the rest of the day chatting about the different topics that were going to be taught in the first lessons of the semester when school started. After awhile, the teenagers all started to get tired. Harry nodded off first and was placed in his bed by Remus. Luna was next having fallen asleep in her chair. One by one they were all brought to their beds. The adults all waited up to see what would happen. All knew that at midnight, Harry would begin his magical inheritance.

Time slipped away and soon enough, the tolling of the bell sounded letting everyone know that midnight had finally arrived. They all went and stood around Harry to watch. Slowly his eyes opened and he lifted off the bed. A golden glow surrounded him and was so striking that many had to shield their eyes as it was so bright. Harry did not make a sound through out all of this. In fact he gave a sigh of recognition as Lily and James Potter appeared beside him. It was not long before the image of Cedric Diggory and Sirius Black joined them. After a moment the four founders of Hogwarts joined them and held out their hands in silent communion. Ghostly images of other important people flashed into being near Harry and surrounded him with their glow. Finally the image of the greatest wizard to have ever walked the planet appeared. It was his words that the rest of the assembled professors and students heard. By this time the students has all woken up and were watching the scene before them.

"It is time that the Arch Angel walked upon the planet again," said Merlin. "The time is now for you Harry James Potter to allow the awakening of the Angels of Power to assist you. Dark times are upon the wizarding world once again. For the one born of the snake, will be a force of darkness that has not been seen since my time. It is up to you to stop the darkness that is rapidly taking over the world."

"You will find it in you to let loose the power that will awaken your followers," said Godric Gryffindor. "Let loose the power that will save what we have worked so hard for."

"Knowledge to destroy the evil that carries my blood is at hand," said Salazar Slytherin. "He was destined to be in your spot, but he chose to walk the path of darkness. You have the power to destroy the darkness. Beware the darkness of the demons. They will oppose you."

"The loyalty is within your friends," said Helga Hufflepuff. "They will stand by you through out all of this. You have only to choose."

"With your wisdom and heart, the time is now young Harry," said Rowena Ravenclaw. "We will always be with you to guide you and walk with you. However, the knowledge of the living is better than the knowledge of the dead."

"Use your heart my son," said Lily. "Your father and I have given you the gift of love. Use it to your advantage, as the living behind us, are waiting for you to choose. We will always be here for you, but now is the time for you to spread the power."

"There are no right or wrongs choices pup," said Sirius. "The power given is the only way to win. Those you trust the most will be the ones to stand by you throughout the war."

"Your compassion is the best gift of all," said Cedric. "Let go the power now Harry. It is time."

Harry took a deep breath and let loose. Orbs in the color of red, blue, white, green, yellow, black, purple, silver, pink, orange, grey, and brown appeared around him. They circled around him and waited.

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