Chapter 5

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"How about we try something else?" Uncle Warner suggested after a while of training me on how to fist fight.


"I know this is supposed to be just physical training, but would you like to train your powers at the same time?"

"How?" I lowered my eyebrows in confusion.

"It's not actually training your powers, more like using it to your advantage," he corrected himself, "for example, I always knew when and where you're going to punch me since we started training."

"You did?" I frowned, "I thought you were just too good at this."

"I am," he shrugged, causing me to shake my head with a smile, "but my powers helped me know what you're thinking, knowing exactly how I'm going to block your fist even before you threw the punch."

"What's the difference between focusing on your feeling solely and absorbing your power? I mean I knkw I can't have your powers since they're also mine, but the last time I tried to tone everything out and focus on just one, it was when I wanted to absorb Atlas's powers."

"It's different," he started, "you'll know it. Just like your feelings control these powers, your thoughts are just as important. Just think about it, you'll find what you want to reach."

I sighed and closed my eyes, trying to calm down. It was okay. I just want to sense his emotions, his thoughts. I can do this.

"Alright, I'm ready," I cleared my throat and stood in a defensive stance, my eyes fixed on uncle's movements. He was circling me, looking for an opening. I knew he was faster and stronger than me, but I had the same advantage he had, not more or less.

"Focus, Jett. Feel what I feel. Anticipate my next move," he said, his voice calm and steady.

I tried to do as he said, but it was hard. I felt a wave of emotions washing over me, not just from him, but from the people around us. Everyone around us. I felt their joy, their anger, their fear. It was overwhelming. It was overwhelming sensing one of them, not even knowing which one, directed towards me.

"Whoever is thinking about me, stop.
It. I'm trying to focus here and your unwanted feelings about me are interfering." I yelled, turning around as my eyes landed on Silas and Kai, shooting them a look before sighing and lookinv away, letting my gaze fall on Emma before snapping to Atlas.

He was already looking at me with basically no expression on his face, I didn't want to try and reach out for what he could be feeling because I finally got my powers to focus on less emotions. He probably still thinks you're crazy anyway. I raised my eyebrow when he didn't look away, but at the same time, Emma swung her arm back, punching him in his torso, causing him to groan and stumble back.

"You're cheating!" He snapped at her, making her chuckle, putting her hands on her waist.

"I took advantage of the opportunity I was given," she said, she always said that when she cheated, "you're the one who's not focused."

"I am focused," he fired back with a frown, "you're such a fiend."

"Yeah, yeah," she nodded, getting into fighting position again, "come on, round three."

He let out a frustrated breath but fell into the next round with her as I turned back to Uncle Warner looking Emma's way, a smile forming on his face, one that was wiped the moment Kenji spoke.

"Um, Jett, what do you say about a break? Don't you think you've spent enough time with Warner?" Kenji chimed in. I shot him a death stare, seeing his eyes roam between Uncle Warner and me before he raised his arms in surrender, "or don't. Whatever. Just stay in your corner, don't hurt people."

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