Chapter 10

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"Kai!" My legs took off before I could even command them to, running to where they just entered from the moment my eyes fell on him before I was jumping in his embrace, throwing my arms around his neck. I sensed his emotions shift from distress to glint of relief, just a little, it was still weighted down by all those ugly feelings that suddenly hit me. Fear, hurt, worry. He was really scared.

"Hey, JJ," I heard the smile in his voice, pulling me closer, until my feet lifted off of the ground, "I never thought I'd ever say this, but I really missed you."

"I was so worried," I just said, leaning back as he put me down, "I didn't understand anything since yesterday when we heard Emmaline scream, and then now when you guys called about her," I paused, my heart dropping as I looked at Uncle Warner carrying Emma with J next to him, walking to the medical wing I forgot even existed here with Sonya and Sara who came running. I looked back at Kai, frowning when my gaze fell on his arm.

"Kai," I said, feeling a worry line appear between my eyebrows at the sight of the bloody cloth, "are you okay?"

"I'm fine," he grabbed her hand when I went to touch the cloth wrapped around his wound, "just a small injury."

"Kai," Zade's familiar voice snapped my head up to him walking towards us, "you're back."

"Yup," Kai offered him a smile when Zade pulled to him, patting his back before leaning back, "you made it back alright that day?"

"Oh... yeah," Zade hesitated before slightly shaking his head, "yeah. Hey, I don't know what you know about everything—"

"Are you going to hug everyone except me or are you saving the best for last?" My eyebrows shot up, whipping my head back to Nazeera walking up to us. I didn't feel her come in from all those emotions consuming me. It felt like I was somehow suffocating. I forgot how hard this was, how I was never alone, never in control of my own feelings.

"Mum?" Kai practically breathed the word out, his feet moving until she pulled him flush against her, watching him hug her tighter, "Mum."

"Hey, habibi," she whispered, her hand going to the back of his head, "I'm so sorry I wasn't here. If I was, I would have never let anyone touch you."

I tried to focus on what they were saying, but then one emotion out of every single one around me hit me with a jolt, so strong, so... sharp. I don't know how I knew, but my gaze fell on Atlas, seeing his jaw clenched as he watched Nazeera and Kai.

I think this was such a new emotion for me, so new and yet I had an idea what it was. Jealousy. He was jealous. His eyes were pinned on Kai, his uninjured hand fisting on his side. He was jealous of Kai.

I knew this was jealousy because I felt it once, more than once, when I looked at Emma sometimes, but I don't think it was ever this strong. This was real jealousy. Like he hated the sight in front of him, like he was jealous of Kai to the point that he hated seeing this.

What's his deal? I found myself thinking, I don't know anything about him or his family. I get feeling jealous of Kai since his mum is here while his own wasn't. I would feel it too, I would feel bad for myself, but this kind of jealousy indicated more than just that. There was something so much bigger going on in that head of his, that heart.

"Atlas!" Aurora's voice snapped me out of my thoughts, watching her come running towards where Atlas is as he let out a smile when she carefully hugged him because of his still broken arm, his emotions shifting to relief. It was like her presence washed over all of his thoughts for a minute.

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