Little exhaustion

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on their first morning all the littles were woken up by the dorm staff, "Morning Harry are we big or little this morning?" 

"I'm still normal." Harry wasn't in the mood for this today, despite having practically a full night sleep (Besides the nightmare in the early hours of the morning) he woke up feeling just as, if not more tired, the fuzziness was trying to push its way into Harry's head but he would not allow it, he bit down on the inside of his cheek and buried himself under his blanket and grumbled at Autumn for getting him to wake up so early. He just wanted to stay in bed. 

Autumn glanced over at Daisy who was scooping up a sleepy baby Neville and sighed, when a little refused headspace it only made them tired and grumpy, hopefully, she thought to herself, Harry would allow his headspace to come through soon. 

"Come on sleepy head, we have to get you ready for your first day of school!" She said in her best excited voice, at that he peeked over the edge of his blanket. that's progress at least! Let me go and grab your school clothes whilst Daisy and Neville finish up using the bathroom, that'll give you a little longer to wake up then too." 

All Harry wanted was to go back to sleep so he turned away from Autumn and shut his eyes just for a little more rest. 

What felt like a second later he felt himself being scooped up off the bed and he found himself in Autumns arms as he whined in protest. "I know little one, but there is nap time later if you are still sleepy, okay? For now if we want to get to class on time you need to get dressed." She walked him over to the bathroom and set him down. "Now, I'll leave you to get ready and I'll meet you in the main room in a couple minutes."  

Harry got dressed quickly and made his way down to the main room where everyone was gathered and eating their breakfast, he sat down on a chair, not feeling hungry, Autumn asked if he wanted breakfast and he shook his head, she brought him over a bowl of fruit and yogurt anyways and a cup of pumpkin juice, his favourite! After a few bites and a sip of juice he stood up.

"Autumn can we go to normal classes today, its fine really I'm good to go!" Autumn eyed him wearily and agreed.

"Okay, but we come back here for lunch and if at any point you feel yourself going into headspace we come straight back here, okay?" 

"Okay, I promise." He lied. Since he was classified as a little his head had felt fuzzy but he wasn't going to let that get to him. He was a big boy, he was 11 years old, not some toddler or baby, that would be ridiculous!

"Okay lets take a look at your schedule..." She scanned over the piece of parchment and looked back up "Right, you have potions first so we better hurry if we want to make it there on time, lets go then!"


The dungeons were cold and dark as they made their way to the potions classroom, for some reason Harry started to feel the fuzziness get worse so he bit down on his lip trying to distract his mind, Autumn sensed his headspace wavering, being a carer helps you to easily identify a littles feelings and emotions, sensing their needs and when they are about to drop.

Harry sat down at the desk at the back of the class beside Ron Weasley who he had met on the train. "Hi Harry, haw are you doing?" 

Harry thought it was strange that someone would want to talk to him, he was a little, a freak, people don't talk to freaks. "Um.. I'm okay thanks, its weird getting used to this whole classification thing, I think they must have made a mistake."

"I'm sure they didn't mate, being little isn't a bad thing, three of my brothers are little's too!" 


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