Not so little?

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As the week went by, Harry had spent most the time in the little quaters, attending a few of his usual classes, normally being potions, which he really enjoyed.

Severus had developed a soft spot for the little Slytherin, he found he much more enjoyed his classes when Harry was there too. Besides an incident when Harry accidentally blew up his cauldron (resulting in several frowny faces with singed eyebrows) Harry was rather talented at potions and Severus couldnt help but feel rather proud of his littlest snake.

Autumn was feeling good about how Harry was doing over the last few days, He had created himself a routine and became more confident around the other littles and caregivers. Though he struggled with his eating often, her worries were soothed slightly by the up-coming visit with Madam Pomfrey in a few days time.

Though Harry still had many demons he was facing, Autumn found that with some extra reassurance and comfort, Harry was making good progress and settling in as well as she would expect.

After the first few nights Harry and the staff surrounding him started to notice subtle changes in his behaviour. The first few nights in his little space, Harry's age portrayed particularly young traits, of under 2years old, but now he had settled into a routine and didn't try to fight the drops, his age space settled around the age of 4 or 5years old.

Everyone seemed relieved when they started to see the changes, quite often when a little fights against their headspace their little age drops lower, this was quite common for most the children when they find out their classification, and now that everyone had settled the carers had found the correct ages for all the littles this year.

Harry Potter: Age 4-5
Neville Longbottom: Age 3-4
Luna Lovegood: Age 4-5
Hannah Abbott: Age 6
Susan Bones: Age 7
Cho Chang: Age 5


Harry was sat in the comfy cormer of the room with the other littles as Autumn read them a story, he was content in his headspace and cuddled up against Autumn's side with his head buried beneath the arm holding the book.

It was around 7pm and as usual Severus came striding into the room, swishing his robes in his funny, usual way that never failed to make little Harry giggle.

"P'fess'r Snape!" Harry managed to squeal, unable to pronounce several of his words properly in his little headspace.

"Hello my littlest snake, have you had a good day?" He spoke, ruffling the boys hair who had just sped across the room and wrapped himself round the professors leg, clinging on like a koala.

"Yeah! Me and Autumn and Luna and Neville spent all day in class, we learnt about transfig'ation and Minnie- I mean- P'fess'r M'Gonag'l showed us how to turn a matchstick into a needle!" he rambled

"My my, thats a very busy day." Snape replied "I was wondering if you would like to come with me on a day out tomorrow?" He asked as he scooped the boy up and sat him on his hip.

"R-really? Me and you. Go where?" Harry was shocked that someone wanted to take him somewhere for the day, he never was allowed that before, when the Dursleys went out he would be locked him his cupboard under the stairs.

"Yes Harry, you and me, i was thinking we could go and get you some new clothes, the ones you have are hardly acceptable." He stated, looking down at the worn, oversized (extremely so since his change in appearance.) shirt and trousers he wore.

All the other littles had been provided with clothing by their parents or guardians that could either be shrunk down to fit them or was already the size they would need after the change. The Dursley's had just sent Harry off with the clothes on his back and his school robes, which Hagrid had helped him buy before September 1st.

"Are- are you sure? This is- isnotajoke." Harry whispered.

"What was that?" Snape raised a questioning eyebrow at the boy.

"Are you joking? Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia used to tell me we were goin' out an- and then they would l- lock me in my cupboard and go without me cause- cause i was bad, or- or a feak, and di'nt d'serve to go." He managed to speak through hitched breath's.

Yet again, the little boy in his arms broke Snape's heart further. He brushed Harry's hair from his eyes and held the boys head close to his chest. "Harry, i promise that will never happen to you again. Tomorrow we will go buy you some new things. Things you should have already had, might i add. And maybe get a treat on the way back if your good." At that the little boy perked up, lifted his head and looked at his Professor's eyes.


"Yes Harry. It's the least i could do." At that, the boy cried, burying his head in the crook of his processor's neck and Snape rubbed soothing circles on his back.

"Hush, child. Let's go over and listen to the end of Autumn's story shall we, and then bed time, hmm?" Snape spoke softly into the boys ear.


As Snape was sat in the armchair by the others, Harry's breathing evened out into soft little huffs as he grew more and more sleepy. Snape woke him slightly so he could get Harry dressed and into his pyjamas and to bed.

Harry went to the loo, washed his hands, Snape crouched down and washed his face as he was too tired out for a bath. Harry put on his pull-up and navy blue soft starry pyjamas and Snape walked him over to bed.

Harry latched onto monkey as Snape draped a thin duvet over him and sat, combing his fingers through the boys hair as Harry drifted off to sleep, excited about the next day, his first ever trip out!

Daisy came in with Neville a few moments later and got him into bed, then she and Snape shut the lights off as the starry ceiling glowed above them and Harry slept peacefully that night.


Hope you enjoy this update!

Please remember to vote and comment as much as you can in LOVE responding to you!

At some point im adding a chapter as an authors note which i highly reccomend you read!

Part 10 coming soon...

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