Little time

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Navigating the corridors with a very distressed Little in his arms, Severus quickly made his way to the little dorm and brought Harry over to the couch in the corner of the room where he took a seat, Autumn joining him soon after.

"Hush, littlest snake, you're okay." Severus continued to try calm the child but it was proving to be a near impossible task.

"Autumn, would you mind getting him hi-" His question was cut off as Autumn held Harry's favourite monkey paci in her hands with a grin on her face.

"Not to worry, Severus. I came prepared." She chuckled lightly, though concern still spread across her face aimed towards the boy sobbing in the potion professors arms.

Pressing the paci to Harry's lips he immediately began to soothe his crying with the comfort of his paci and the distraught crying lessened as he suckled softly bringing his small hands to wipe at his eyes.

Autumn summoned a box of tissues and dabbed at his tear stained face, repeating the action with a cool damp cloth.

Severus was relieved that his godson's crying had quietened down, patting his behind in a soothing manner and rubbing circles at the top of his back.

"There now, thats better, isn't it? Hmm?" He spoke quietly. And for the second time within 24hours a wide eyed little looked up from his shoulder, sniffing through his nose as his paci bobbed up and down between his lips. "Lets get you a snack and a drink to soothe your throat, after that you can take a nap, okay?" Receiving a weak nod in response Severus had Autumn change Harry into something more comfortable and went to ask the house elves for something they could have for a snack.

Autumn went to Harry's room and laid him down, gathering up a diaper, matching, comfy dark green joggers and sweatshirt set and swiftly got him changed, knowing that after a destressing and overwhelming few days Harry would need more comfort and time in his little space than usual.

Harry, having found a small burst of energy wiggled out of Autumn's grip and ran back to the main room to find Snape when he was dressed.

The little's quarters had become busy with little's and their caregivers as it was lunch break between their lessons, Harry quickly scanned the room and found his godfather sitting at the table with some fruit, cereal and biscuits and once he spotted Harry the man opened his arms and his godson bounded over and jumped into the mans embrace, then settled him on his lap.

"I got your favourite foods here, I'm sure you must be hungry after you missed breakfast today, hmm?"

Harry nodded in response and began happily munching away at his late breakfast, the events of earlier that day with the mirror of erised settling to the back of his mind, happy to be settled in his godfathers arms.

As Severus held his littlest snake he turned to have a conversation with Autumn. "When i went searching for him with the other members of staff, I found him sat before the mirror of erised." He informed Autumn, "He told me that he could see his parents, and as you can tell he was very reluctant to leave them."

"Oh Harry you poor thing." Autumn glanced sympathetically at the small boy, "I know that must have been alot for him to take in." She spoke looking back up at Severus.

"Indeed, I will speak with the headmaster later today, I have much to discuss with him after our visit to Gringotts yesterday. Why he would leave such a rare artifact in an abandoned classroom is unknown to me."

"How was the trip yesterday?" Autumn asked. "Is there angthing i should know of?"

"I'm afraid so, Harry had to provide a proof of identity to enter the bank as we believe the headmaster has Harry's vault key. The results were... informative... As it turns out, I am Harry's godfather. As is Remus Lupin and Sirius Black." He gave Autumn a pointed glare as a shocked look came upon her face. He definitely didn't need Harry to know where about's Sirius was, not until he was older anyway. "There were also some rather disturbing discoveries, are you aware of potions and compulsions? And how they are highly illegal to use against another witch or wizard? Well Harry is under the influence of several. A magic supression and intelligence block and a loyalty compulsion, keyed to the headmaster himself. Which is why I must speak with him this afternoon. He has many things to answer for."

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