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When they finally arrived  at  the Duke and Duchess's country estate, Louisa was only to happy to stay in the background, whilst letting Hettie and Rosemary address the Duchess, who thanked her for inviting them, and exchange trivial conversation about their journey. But finally The Duchess looked in her direction and Louisa found she could not be ignored any longer, when the Duchess addressed her "Ah, Miss O'Mara its nice to see you again also, I hope you have been keeping well?"

"I am in good health your Grace," Louisa assured her, then decided she also needed to take this opportunity to show her appreciation, "And I want to thank you again your Grace for letting me partake in the tour of the museum , I quite enjoyed my day more than you will ever know, I really can't thank you enough"  she then said with as much gratitude as she could muster

"Oh, I am glad to hear it," The Duchess replied with a smile. She was about to think no more on the matter, but then a sudden thought suddenly entered her head as she recalled Louisa's visit to the Museum.  

Louisa was a little taken aback when she noticed the way the Duchess was now scrutinised on her with some thoughtfulness before she finally spoke, "If I am not mistaken  Miss O'Mara, you have a certain interest in my husband's antiquities and such, so I suppose it is something you have in common with him?" she then queried

"I-I suppose so your Grace," Louisa replied, feeling her face flush  a little guiltily,  because she not sure why the Duchess  had latched onto this in particular, she was  suddenly  wondering if it had something to do with her son Alexander.

 But now the Duchess smiled, appearing more than  happy with her response. She  turned to address Hettie, standing nearby, "You do not mind if I borrow Louisa for a few moments? There is something I would like to discuss with her in private" she then said.

Hettie was a little taken aback by the Duchess request, as was Rosemary standing next to her, as they exchanged looks. But she could do very little else but agree to it.

"Thank you, come with me dear," The Duchess then commanded as  turned back to address Louisa, who was looking almost as bewildered as the rest of the party,  but she found herself following the Duchess across the room out of earshot of the others.

"Miss O'Mara I was wondering if you could do me the biggest favour" The Duchess then spoke up  quietly

Getting over the surprise of this request, Louisa found her tongue, "Of-Of course your Grace, how can I be of help"

"Well, it turns out that I have had a few extra guests arrive, who are friends of my husband's; They are what I suppose you could refer to as intellectuals of sorts. People I think you would find interesting. Amongst them is a certain Miss Amelia Hanson, who is accompanying her brother." The Duchess then informed her looking a little  troubled. "She has some, what you might say, some outlandish ideas that could be taken as a little eccentric, with her view  on women and men. Some of which I feel, that  the likes of your cousin Rosemary and Mrs Marshall will find  a little shocking, if  perhaps if she mentioned them whilst we are all sitting down to supper this evening" The Duchess then finished explaining awkwardly

"Oh, I see," Louisa replied,  although she didn't really  understand  exactly how she could be of help

"Well, I have been  thinking on how I could fix this small dilemma. But now, I am wondering that if I seat you next to her, perhaps you can converse with her,  and keep her attention on you.  After all,  if you are willing to discuss  all that stuff you are interested in, such as fossils and history ectara,  I have no doubt that she will probably be  very happy to enlighten you on her views and knowledge also, which will keep her occupied. And when I think on it, I believe you will find the conversation with her, more palatable, than my other guests might do, so things will not get too  uncomfortable for them" The Duchess then informed her hopefully

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