sorority party part 2

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Lexi and hope went to the party that Hallie invited them to. Lexi wore a black dress that ended mid thigh with fish net sleeves with a heart neckline with knee high boots with her make up done with her hair in dutch braids as she drinks a beer.

Hope wore jean shorts with fishnet leggings with thigh high boots and a red crop top with a leather jacket her hair in a high ponytail with her make up done as she and Lexi leans against the wall watching the idiotic humans party.

Stefan frowned crossing his arms"that dress is to revealing"he says as Rebekah and her daughter share looks.

"Dad stop I am a grown teenager"Lexi says as Billy wraps an arm around her shoulder.

Klaus tur s to his daughter with a firm look "you are to get a complete wardrobe change and I'm burning all your clothes that look like those"he says pointing to the screen.

"Dad chill this ain't the ancient days we're women covered modesty"hope says rolling her eyes as he gaps at his daughter.

"I am not ancient!"he says defensively

Hope gives him a raised eyebrow "you're a thousand years vampireism says otherwise dad"she sasses as the others laugh as his jaw drops to the ground.

They stay hidden from the sorority robots and Hallie as they watch as the humans dance and drink before the scent of blood hits them.

"You smell that hope"Lexi whispered as hope nods her head before soon people start to leave to see what happened as she looks slightly out the curtain beside her as she sees police and reports at a neighbor sorority house as she sees ceces body with blood all over the ground.

"Why would he kill her"Elena asked.

"Well it's obvious that he is remaking his own Verizon of the woodsboro murders"hope says rolling her eyes at the Doppleganger.

"It sees ceces from our film class was killed"she explained to hope before the phone is heard ringing as they share a look.

Lexi walks over to the phone as she picks it up as hope hides"hello"she says acted scared.

"Hello Lexi remember me"a familiar voice says as she rolls her eyes.

"What do you want "she asked.

"To talk"the killer says.

Lexi smiles with a smirk"then why don't you show your face you fucking coward"she says hearing there hear there heart beat while putting the phone back on the hook just as a voice is heard behind her"my pleasure"the killer says as she turns around with a smirk making the killer confused.

"You dumbass fell right for he old scared routine"Stu says holding his stomach laughing.

All of sudden he's pinned to the wall as he chokes as he was held to the door by a force as hope appears with a smirk.

"That had to hurt"kol says with smirk

"Now let's see who you are"she says as Lexi walks forward as she snatched the mask off showing a scared Mickey.

Mickey sat nervously before seeing many glares from the old generation and vampires as Mrs Loomis glares as he looks at her in disbelief.

Kol was leaning on the edge of his seat like a giddy kid on Christmas as he shoves a hand full of pop corn in his mouth."ohh it's about to get good"he says with a smirk.

he shakes in fear staring at the darkness swirling in her eyes. She locks her eyes with his as she holds his jaw tightly as they dilated "tell me what you are planning"she compelled him.

His face goes blank" I just wanted to be famous but want to get caught instead but I'm not the only killer Mrs loomis watches revenge on Sid for killing her son but you beat her to it so now your her target" he tells her before shaking his head confused on why he just told her that.

Billy turns to his mother with a glare bareing his fangs"no on my watch you stay the hell away from my mate bitch"he snarls as Mrs Loomis stares at her son in shock.

A slow smirk forms on lexi's face as she lets out a wicked laugh making Micki confused." Oh you poor little psycho you have no idea your your dealing with and Mrs Loomis is in for a rude awakening her son and his best friend are alive but you won't remember "she says slowly while leaning forward as her eyes dilated as does his.

"You won't remember anything of this until your told now sleep " she says as she hears his heart beat start to pick up rapidly before he goes unconscious as hope drops him to the ground as they speed off.

They speed to there meeting point in a dark alley as billy leans against the wall smoking in the clothes he wore that day.

"Where's Stu"hope says when she didn't see her mate.

"His favorite show was on he didn't want to miss it so what's up"billy says blowing out smoke.

"Oh course you would choose looney tunes over a meeting "hope snorts as Stu playfully glares at his mate.

"But you can't be alive sideny killed you "Mrs Loomis said confused.

"Actually mother my mate saved me before the bitch could but it won't matter you'll be joining Sidney and the other fools in hell soon"billy says with a wicked smirk as he hugs a chuckling Lexi.

"Well for one it's differently happening again one of the killers is Mickey alteri and the other is your mother billy"Lexi says making him look up.

"My mother but why?"he asked confused on what she's got to do with this.

"Because I care for you son"Mrs Loomis says.

"Yeah right if you did you wouldn't have left in the first damn place"billy snaps as Lexy hugs him calming her mate down.

"Apparently she thinks you dead because of Sidney and wanted revenge but since we killed her I'm her next target"Lexi says leaning against the wall as hope left to go see Stu.

"But I don't understand my mom left so why would she care all of sudden"billy asked with crossed arms.

"Who knows but she's in for a rude awakening babe"Lexi says placing a gentle hand on her mates arms as they stand there in silence.

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