annoying cockroach

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Lexi was shown sitting in front of the computer as she kept up the human act while hope and the others keep on eye on there prey who were in for a rude awakening.

"She gets it from your side of the family"Stefan whispered to Rebekah who smirks shrugging her shoulders.

She leans on her hand board as she types with her other when all of a sudden the whole screen went green nothing before she pressed something it was a message as soon as she clicked on it they 'you're going to die tonight'.

"Yeah they were exactly the brightest out of the bunch"Lexi smirks licking her teeth.

She scoffs 'fuckin humans' she thought before getting up as she grabs her bag as she walks away.

"Psst Lexi "causing her to turn around to see it was cotton wearing a light blue hoody as she rolls her eyes he has been blowing up her phone.

"I was wondering what happened to him"finn asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Piss off you wanker"she says walks past him down the stairs as he follows after her.

Billy raised an amused eyebrow at him mate"wanker?"he asked.

"What he was"Lexi says with a shrug.

"Can we talk alone for a moment"cotton ask following after her as they walk outside she just ignores him before he got frustrated before grabbing her arm dragging her into the alley by the building shoving her to the ground.

"He did not just put his hands on our daughter"Stefan growls with rage he wasn't the only one besides sidney, Tatum,Dewey, gale, Randy Damon and Elena who thought she deserved it.

"I'll gut him like a mother fucker fish"billy spat as his vamp face appears as Lexi calms her mate down.

Lucinda read there thoughts as she glares Coldy at them as her blood boils.

"Listen you fuckin bitch now that Sidneys gone your my only way to got my fame so you either help me or we gonna have problems."he says running a stress hand through his hair making sure no one saw.

"You fucked with he wrong woman dude"Stu says as he shoves popcorn into his mouth.

"Okay we're are you and my uncle kol getting the damn popcorn "Lexi asked with raised eyebrow.

She lets out a cold laugh as she slowly stands up as she cracks her neck.

"You humans are so pathetic"she says as she slowly turns around as he froze as he watches her eyes darken as fangs appeared before he was suddenly thrown further down the alley as he lands with a thud as he groans holding his side as she slowly walks up to her prey amused.

"You to carry on the mikealson darkness to a T"Klaus says proudly as his family smirks.

"She gets it from me"Rebekah says smirking probably at her daughter as Stefan shakes his head amused.

"To me your nothing but an annoying cockroach who I can scwish in a blink of an eye"she says before kicking him hard in the ribs as he coughs up blood as a bone pierced his lung as he was choking on his own blood.

"Man you got when you mad"billy says with a smirk as he pulls Lexi into his arms as she smirks up at her mate.

"Please for the love of God no pda in front of me"Stefan begged as Lexi rolls her eyes at her father.

"Dad this isn't the 1800s anymore you not to get with the program old man"Lexi says as stefan gaps at his daughter as there family and friends laugh as she and hope high five with smirks.

"Your not even worth me draining you dry"she laughs as she then grabs him by the neck as she lifts him up off the ground before pinning him to the wall with her magic as he gasp trying to breathe.

She makes his blood boil as it comes out of any opening on his head as he screams in agony before his head explodes as brain matter, blood and bone fly everywhere.

"Nice"kol says impressed.

"It one of my specialtys ain't that right hope"Lexi asked her cousin with a smirk as they share dark smirks they were the wicked ones out of there intier family.

She looks at her boots as she pouts "awe these were my favorite boots now I got to burn them"she says I'm disgust before she disappears.

Sidney looks at the hybrid heretic in disbelief "you insane a fuckin monster"she says as Lexi just shrugs with a smirk.

"The best people usually are "she says with a smirk as many shiver seeing the darkness in her eyes while her family and friends smirk at the ones who fear them.

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