3. My Fair Lady

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Anna walked with Luke out to the track field before practice. She wasn't on the team or anything – running around like that didn't seem like something she'd ever want to do. But he liked it. So she walked out to the field with him and waited until practice started as often as she could. Then, she'd walk home on her own.

"Do you have any plans for this weekend?" Luke asked.

"Well, the Crown Theater's playing a movie I was thinking about going to." Anna said slowly.

She had been pretty excited about the idea herself, but she didn't really think it was something Luke would want to see. He always picked movies that had a lot more action in them than Anna was really used to. Normally, she was happy to see whatever he wanted, but she'd been kind of in the mood for something different for once.

"Yeah? What movie?" he asked.

"My Fair Lady." Anna replied hesitantly.

It was one of the first movies she'd ever actually seen in a theater, and the fact that it was going to be shown again had made her pretty excited. The theater was doing some kind of Classic Movie special on Sunday afternoons this month. Of course, classic movies were Anna's favorite. After she'd become a vampire, she'd shut herself up for years, refusing to do anything at all. But when she finally did decide to do something fun, movies had been her first choice. That had been over sixty years ago, and those old films had always held a special place in her heart that she figured her friends would never really understand.

She'd been planning on going alone – old movies didn't really seem like something any of her friends would be interested in. And she was most definitely used to going to the movies alone; she'd done it for decades before she'd met any of them, after all.

"What's it about?" Luke asked.

Anna sighed to herself; it still got to her sometimes when none of her friends remembered things she'd loved for years.

"Well, it's about a man who finds a girl on the street and makes her into a high-society lady."

"And I'll bet he falls in love with her by the end." Luke said knowingly.


"So it's a love story."

"Mostly." she admitted.

"Romantic comedy?" he asked hopefully.

"Kind of, I guess." Anna shrugged. Still, it probably wasn't as much comedy as Luke would want. "Anyway, I like it."

"You've seen it before?"

"A couple of times."

Anna couldn't quite bring herself to admit she'd seen it when it first came out. Luke might know she'd been around for a long time, but she still felt weird actually reminding him of that fact. And she couldn't quite remember if he knew she was a little over three hundred anyway.

"Well, that could still be ok..." Luke told her slowly.

"Really? You'd actually want to see it with me?"

"You don't have to sound so surprised." he told her, sounding just the slightest bit offended. "Besides, it's something different. So when's it playing?"

"12:15 on Sunday." she told him.

"Should I pick you up at 12 then?"

"Well...ok." Anna said.

It was a little hard to believe that he'd really just go. It was true that Luke seemed happy to do almost anything she suggested, but she still hadn't expected him to actually offer to go with her.

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