10. Two Against Five

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 As soon as it was dark outside, Anna grabbed her keys and headed out the front door. She took the bus going south, heading over to Carmine's house. She knew Carmine wouldn't be out this early – she had to wait until her parents went to bed before she could actually sneak outside. But Anna wanted to be there the instant Carmine was ready. Besides, it was better than being at home alone.

As she waited in the shadows across the street from Carmine's front door, Anna couldn't help but think back to lunch that day. It had been obvious that Mia hadn't been out recently; she was jittery and looking like she was ready to attack someone right there in the middle of the cafeteria. Anna had to work hard not to be horrified, but she knew that look; Mia had been trying to decide who would be the easiest target to get right there. And Anna knew exactly what Mia would do once she made her decision. Anna was just glad Carmine had stopped her.

When Mia had run over to the lunch line, Anna knew it was bad. If she was so desperate for something to eat that she was willing to get actual food, Anna knew she wouldn't be able to wait much longer. When she saw that, Anna had really wanted to go over there and demand that Rudi stop stalking Mia. But she didn't; she knew it would only make things worse. Especially since Anna's concern might look like Mia really did have something to hide. Besides, with all of Rudi's friends sitting there, it would only make more people suspicious. Instead, she went and joined Mia in the lunch line.

"She's still following you?" Anna asked. Mia nodded reluctantly.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Anna wanted to know. "We would have helped you."

"I didn't want you to worry – I thought I could handle it. Besides, she already suspects me of something, and if you and Carmine showed up, it would only get worse. I didn't want her suspecting you guys too." she said, barely pausing for air.

Anna didn't like how distracted she seemed. She knew she'd felt that same way herself before – more times than she'd like to admit, actually. But it had been years since she'd let it get that bad. She tried not to think it, but the last time Anna had felt like that, she'd let someone die.

"Does she follow you a lot?" Anna asked hopefully. But she already knew the answer even before Mia started nodding her head.

"Every night. I don't know what to do."

"How long has it been, since...you know..."

"Since we went out last time." Mia said quietly.

Anna tried not to look worried, but she couldn't help it; that was about a week ago. Anna had gone out herself twice since then, and she could only imagine how bad Mia must be feeling.

"You don't understand – I'm so hungry." Mia told her. "Think a sandwich would help?"

"...Couldn't hurt, I guess." Anna said after a slight hesitation. She knew it wouldn't have helped her, but what was the harm? And anything to get her from thinking about any of the other students had to be a good thing.

As Mia waited impatiently for her order, she turned to Anna.

"What am I supposed to do?" she asked.

"Can you wait until tonight?" Anna asked worriedly. She'd never seen Mia so fidgety.

"...I think so." Mia said, after more hesitation than Anna would have liked. "But it's so hard."

"I know. But we'll find someone for you, don't worry."

"What about Rudi?" Mia asked, glancing vaguely around the cafeteria. "If I have to wait much longer..."

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