Distanced Discussions

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I curtsied and looked slightly down at the floor. I better brace myself, who knows how long this 'Fighting isn't ladylike' lesson was going to be. But before anyone could say anything Merid grabbed my hand and dragged me to the castle. I'm guessing the talk with his mom didn't go too well.

-"You okay?" I asked, as he let go of my hand and we stood in a tense silence.

-"Yeah, I-I just don't want to talk to her right now"

-"That's okay, do you want to get pastries from the kitchen and talk"


-"Lets go then"

We snuck to the kitchen easily, partly due to how late it was and because of that  it was mostly empty. Grabbing a few pastries and fruit we ran to his room, drawing for a while and then began to talk for a bit.

-"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked

-"About what?" he questioned, but I knew that he knew exactly what I meant.

-"The conversation that you had with your mom..."


After Merid and Y/n left, Elinor went the opposite direction walking towards our room, I followed close behind her. Once she got there she continued her tapestry work which let me know she was deeply upset since happy she clearly wasn't and there were only two times she continued her tapestry work.

-"You're muttering," I told her as I closed the door.

-"I don't mutter," she answered firmly.

-"Aye, you mutter, lass, when something's bothering you"

-"I blame you, the stubbornness, it's entirely from your side of the family."

-"I assume that it didn't go well?" I mumbled.

-"I-I don't know what to do."

-"Speak to him, dear!"

-"I do speak to him! He just doesn't listen!"

-"Come on now, here, pretend I'm Merid. Speak to me. What would you say?"

-"Oh, I can't do this!" she sighed, staring at me for a moment before looking away.

-"Sure you can!" I told her as she gave me a look.

-"There, there! That's my queen."

-"Right, here we go," I puffed up my hair and cleared my throat.

-"I don't want to get married! I want to be with Y/n and let my hair flow in the wind as I ride through the glen firing arrows into the sunset" I mocked in my best Merid voice.

-"Merid, all this work, all this time spent preparing you, schooling you,"

-"Giving you everything we never had...I ask you, what do you expect us to do?"


-"Call off the gathering! Would it kill them?" Merid replied to my prior questions, flopping onto the bed.

-"You're the Queen, you can just tell the lords, that the prince is not ready and that he loves someone else!" he muttered as he covered his face with a pillow, a confused and questioning expression made its way to my face.

-"In fact, he might not ever stop liking her so....that's that and we'll expect your declaration of war in the morning!"


-"I understand this all must seem unfair, even I had reservations when I faced bethrovel" she went on, no change in expression.

-"Wait! What?" I now paid more attention, confused with her words.

-"We can't just run away from who we are!" she continued, completely ignoring me.


-"I just don't want my life to be over!" he admitted, still laying on  the bed but the pilliw now off of his face.

-"I want my freedom!" I just nodded as he talked, my mind lingering on what he said earlier.


-"But are you willing to pay the price your freedom will cost?" she asked Merid's absence as she paced around the room.


-"I'm not doing any of this to hurt you" he sat up and eventually stood.


-"If you could just try to see what I do, I do it out of love" a small soft sigh left her lips, her expression making me feel useless that I could not do much to relief her of this.


-"But it's my life, it's..." he turned to face me for a momment.

-"I'm just not ready," he continued, and sighed softly facing down.


-"I think you'd see, if you could just..."


-"I think I could make you understand if you would just..."




-"I swear Y/n, this isn't going to happen!" he assured himself more than me,  holding my hands tightly.

-"Not if I have a say in it!"

I kissed his cheek and bid him a goodnight, and left to my room to hopefully get some sleep, trying to ignore his words for the moment since I knew I'd stay up all night thinking about it if I didn't.


Hi! Happy February! 

January is a busy month for me but now that it's over we are back to regular updates! Thank you so much for the comments, they were fun to read and I would go back to reply to each one but 1.6K notifications are a bit too much to go through so I hope this is enough.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter!


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