Bears and Some Truths Part 1

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We walked forward trying to follow Elinor, once I caught up to her I tapped on her fur. She turned and growled loudly and continued her growling as she got closer I fell down and Merid stood in front of me trying to calm her down. She turned her head shaking it sideways and backed up. Merid bent down to my height and hugged me tightly.

-"Are you okay?" he asked.

-"I-I'm fine, just surprised from the growl are you alright?"

-"Yeah, I'm fine," he replied and trailed off into thought.

He slowly let go and we got up to go look for Elinor, he held my hand as we looked around. We found her chasing a wisp, it kept disappearing when she jumped onto it or tried to grab it with her paws, she also growled at it the whole time.

-"Mom! No, stop! It's gonna lead us-..." Merid tried to stop Elinor, but she wouldn't until she turned around and stared at me.

-"E-Elinor?" I asked and peaked behind me to see what she was looking at, I saw her gaze was slightly up. I looked up and saw the wisp floating over my head, Elinor began to growl again.

-"E-Elinor, it's okay it's a wisp it's just trying to help us" I told her slightly frightened.

She began to rush to me and I froze in place not knowing what to do. I closed my eyes tightly and bent down to my knees, I felt Merid wrap his arms around me protecting and his yelling at Elinor to stop. I opened my eyes to see what was happening and saw Elinor Leaning over us with her hands together.

-"M-Mom?" he asked, and she made a bear sound in reply.

-"E-Elinor, I know you're tired and believe me we are too but if we want to break this curse you have to listen, the wisp's won't hurt us they'll show us the way" I explained and got up alongside Merid.

We followed the wisp's through the creepy foggy forest and as quick as the wisp came it left. It left us at a stone doorway, I looked at the symbol and realized it was my family's kingdom crest. I was back, but why would the wisp lead us here? 

We walked around carefully trying to avoid falling rocks and pisces of stone rubble that was falling from the castle walls.

-"Why would the wisp lead us here?" I asked Merid.

-"I don't know but whoever lived here, they've been gone for a long ti-" Merid was interrupted by him and I when we fell through the floor.


I hope you enjoyed the chapter!


Brave (Male! Merida x Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu