Chapter 13 | The Nature Walk

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Streetlights came and went overhead as the sky began to turn pink. I glanced over at Andy to see one hand on the wheel, and the other on his lap.

What's the worst that could happen?

I reached out to grab just his ring and pinky finger.

He slightly jumped and looked at me, his brown eyes twinkling. My hand cocked back in surprise.  Andy turned his hand palm up to coax my hand to meet his.

I reached out again, this time my whole hand.

Not a word was said, but after years of being apart, our hands held one another once again.

Andy slightly grinned as he tried to keep his cool, but he couldn't shield his adorable smirk.

The rest of the car ride was filled with the old 80s classic rock songs playing. Andy's free hand tapped the steering wheel along to the music.

We eventually pulled into the Kimberly's school forest parking lot. My heart ached as I let go of his hand, but to my surprise, he grabbed it once again as we met at the front of the car.

I had my ziploc bag ready for my biology class. I grabbed my sample and put it back in the car.

"You want to go for a walk?" Andy asked.

I smiled, "Of course."

We went along the dirt trail leading into the wooded forest, hand in hand.

"You know, I've been meaning to ask you..."

I stopped to look at him.

"... do you want to be my girlfriend? I mean, we already act as if we're dating. I hope it's not too soon."

His eyes furrowed while he waited for a response.

The birch leaves shook with the wind and played through the little sunlight that was left for the day.

"Anthony, I have loved you for years. The time we spent apart made my heart ache. I adore everything about you. You're everything I've ever wanted in a man."

He brushed the hair from his face, "So you accept?"

"I happily accept."

We continued our nature walk which went in an oval back to our car. By then we were laughing and making jokes together.

Andy drove us to the hockey house where the team was waiting. A campfire was crackling in the backyard. Cody and Zach waved as I walked through the garage to the back yard.

"Take a seat," Zach invited, "We've been waiting for you goof balls to show up for over an hour."

Cody handed Andy a soda and offered me the same. I politely declined and grabbed myself a water.

The night went on as the boys bantered about anything and everything. I admired Andy all the while.

He was obviously the shy kid of the group, but still could keep up with the energy coming from around the campfire.

I noticed the dynamic between Andy and Cody being the shy kid and the quiet kid. Cody was definitely more extroverted but kept the words minimal. Andy was more of a talker but too shy to do something crazy.

God I miss psychology class, but gosh darn it biology is so much funner.

"Do you want to stay the night? I can take you back in the morning." Andy suggested.


Yay! We made it to "popping the queen"! Thanks for reading and check back next chapter for the sleepover!

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