Chapter 15 | Forever Mine

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He dangled a set of keys in front of me.

"What does that lead to?"

"The rink," he smirked.

We quietly left the house and away from the party. Andy opened the passenger door of his jet black car for me, and we were soon on our way.

"How'd you get those keys?" I questioned.

He reached out his free hand for me to hold onto, "My dad is the coach remember?"

"I knew that, but how did you get a hold of a pair of keys?"

"He trusts me."

"I don't have any skates," I remembered out loud.

"We have spare figure skates," Andy shrugged.

"What's your plan?" I smiled.

This was the first time I saw Anthony be a little cheeky. He's usually shy and quiet but now he was... out there.

"Just like old times, but now we know of our love for each other."

I couldn't help but smile, and rub his hand with my thumb and we entered the parking lot.

We exited the car and held hands as we entered the back door with the help of the key. There were several rooms we walked through before entering the skate room.

Andy stood tall, gesturing towards the figure skates, "Which ones?"

I pointed to a pair of white figure skates. They looked identical to the ones I used to wear in high school.

He reached for them and gently handed the pair to me before walking towards the locker room. Andy grabbed his own pair of hockey skates and sat down on the bench to lace them. I copied him and sat down next to him on the bench. The silence was loud.

Andy stood up and held out his hand to help me up. We quietly walked to the rink as Andy flipped on a few lights. Just leaving the ice dimly lit. Not too bright to attract security, and just low enough to set the mood.

Carefully opening the door to the ice, Anthony slid onto the ice with ease. He spun backwards looking at me. I sprang onto the ice with energy like no other after him.

His brown hair flowed in the wind as he skated backwards to face me. I skated toward him with my hands resting behind my back. My ponytail drifted from side to side with every stroke.

After a few laps around the rink, he begged the question, "You want to dance?"

"How could I say no," I endured.

His hand grazed mine to tease me before skating around me in a circle to grab my other hand. Andy pulled me into him as we skated together facing one side. We held both each other's hands as we did a cross over turn.

He let go of my hands and without warning, grabbed my waist to lift me into the air. Just like we used to. I made a leaping motion and put my hands on top of his to stabilize myself.

We danced the night away, becoming more and more comfortable with each other's touch. I've waited for this feeling for years, and now he's mine.

The dance felt natural despite it being improv. We predicted each other's moves as if we could read the other's mind.

Andy lifted me in the air again and gave me a gentle toss where I landed on just one leg. He laughed in amazement as his true smile shined through.

For the final time, he scooped me up off my feet into his arms bridal style and this time, paraded my face with kisses. I held his face with both my hands and pasted a kiss on his smiling lips.

Our eyes began to cry tears of joy knowing we would never lose each other again. When we separated those years ago, he wasn't truly mine. But we knew we would find ourselves together again, without having to say a word.

Andy hugged me close, "I love you."

I hugged him tighter, "I love you too."


That's where our story ends. Bittersweet. Thank you so much for reading!

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