chapter eighteen | come in with the rain

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chapter seventeen | come in with the rain

The worst point of the night is when I have to say my goodbyes to Indie and say hello to Mama.

I love Mama with all of my heart and would even go as far as to say that she's the most important person in my life, but I would much rather be able to see Indie's gorgeous face twenty four seven. That girl is like a drug and once you get a feel of how amazing it makes you feel, all you want is more and more of it. Maybe I'm addicted to Indira Rao and I can't help but think about it with a smile.

"What are you smiling about over there, Miss Happy Pants?" Indie teases me with a wink, which doesn't help the case in the slightest bit. She has to know the affect that she has on me, which I'm sure only makes her feel better about herself and do nothing to her incredibly large ego.

"I was only thinking about ugly your face is and how all the kids must be running for their lives when they see you come out of the bus. The usual, of course."

"Ha ha," she doesn't really laugh and choses to roll her eyes instead. "Real funny and original, Eleanora. I've never heard that lame comeback before, wow."

"Excuse you," I give in to her teasing, pretending to be offended at her claim that I'm not the most original girl out there, even though we both know that I'm not even the slightest bit creative. "I happen to be the most creative person in this whole town, I'll have you know. All the little kids practically bow down to me and my imagination, as theirs can never match up to what's in my noggin."

"Of course," she nods her head. "Because an eighteen year old typically has a bigger imagination than one still in the early stages of elementary school. If only I had a big of a brain as you happen to think you do and as much creative juices flowing through my veins. What a pity that I'm stuck only being little peasant me and not a queen like you are, Nel."

"Queen Nellie has a certain ring to it, does it not? I could get used to being called it."

"I'm not ever going to call you that, Nellie. No one is ever going to actually call you queen instead of your real name, as much as I know how excited you got a minutes ago this whole thing. You're American, so you literally can never become a queen unless you move to some other country that doesn't have a democracy. Most likely, yeah, you aren't going to be a queen anytime soon."

"You're right," I nod my head in agreement. Indie is so kind to me, casually crushing my dreams with a blink of an eye and not feeling the slightest bit bad about it. It wasn't really a dream of mine to be called and I'll admit that it would be really weird if people started to call me queen, but she could have at least been a bit nicer and let me dream my little heart away. That's what she would have done, when I first met her all those weeks ago.

Before I think more about the prospect of Indie changing who she is, I pretend like her words had no impact on me and simply stick my tongue out at her after I finish my sentence. "I'm not a queen, I'm actually Khaleesi."

"Oh my God," she groans and rolls her eyes at my Game of Thrones reference. "I can't believe that you used that as your comeback, but I'll give you props for at least getting the term right and using it in the right context. Even if you're incredibly annoying and used it in a sarcastic way, just to get on my nerves."

Pretending that I hadn't heard a word that she says and that she's irrelevant to this point in the conversation, I place my hands on my hips confidently and act as powerful as I can possibly imagine. A Khalessi is always radiating an aura of power and total kickassness, so to be Daenerys I have to do just that. "I'm not just any Khalessi, either. I'm Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, the Unburnt, Queen of Meereen, Queen of the Andals and the Rhoynar and the First Men, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains, and Mother of Dragons. Feel free to bow before my greatness, as I know that I'm the raddest thing in the whole world and that you can't help but like me. Literally no one is radder than Daenerys Targaryen."

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