chapter seven | today was a fairytale

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chapter seven | today was a fairytale 

"Don't you think we're been riding around in this boat for ages now? I'm basically starving, Indie." 

        "Do we have to stop now?" The girl in question whines, dragging out each syllable. "Can't we just go for another five or ten minutes? Surely a few extra minutes won't cause you to drop dead of hunger?" 

        "You said the same exact thing twenty minutes ago, Indie. We both know that no matter what I do, you're going to want to keep doing this forever. It's sweet of you to like being on a boat as much as I do, but a girl has to eat when a girl has to eat. It's been hours, anyways, and it's completely dark out now. We can't be out here much longer before it turns into morning." 

        "Aw," Indie begins to pout. She thrusts her bottom lip forward and makes her eyes nearly pop out of her head, trying to appear similar to a small puppy dog. She already knows that this doesn't work, so I really can't put my finger on why she keeps trying to attempt it. The only thing I can think of why is because she's just a really dumb person who never learns.  

        Indie's on the break of arguing with me some more, but the sound of her stomach letting out a growl stops her in her tracks. indie looks down at her stomach with a small frown, sad that her body betrayed her protest to not needing good. I knew that she was bound to be hungry, especially all the frights I put her through. 

        "That's exactly why I said that we didn't to stop. I'm really hungry and you're even hungrier, so let's go eat our fish. It'll taste so good that you won't regret having to stop riding around in this boat. I can promise you that." 

        "Ugh, fine." She gives into my words with a sigh.  

        "That's my girl." I wink over at her, as I gently bring back the throttle towards me.  

        The boat comes to a halt after a few seconds, as you don't want to bring the vehicle to a standstill too soon or you could float the engine. Trust me, you don't want to stuck in the middle of the lake when no one else is around; it's not a pretty sight, especially when the early morning fishers catch sight of you and judge you so hard.  I turn the engine off and pull the keys off, as I don't want to accidently send the boat flying forward when we least expect it.  

        Indie goes to collect the fish from the glove department she put them in earlier, so I move up to the front of the boat. It probably isn't all that safe to be putting all the weight at the bow of the boat, but I do it all the time and I haven't yet flipped. I'm sure that the engine and everything ensures it of doing that, but if it doesn't then Indie and I are going to have some fun swimming. We've already covered the fact that she can swim, so we'll be fine.  

        Indie returns with our food and I try not to stare at her for too long. Her pink dress accents her dark skin and the moonlight above appears to reflect off the slightly glittery material of the dress. I don't think I've ever seen someone looks so good in a dress before.

        She scrunches up her face as she sits Indian style across from me, only making her look even cuter. "Why are you looking at me like that?" 

        Is it weird to tell her that I was admiring how great she looked? I can imagine that the scene could potentially turn out really awkward and weird, if I don't phrase the compliment right. I really want to express to her every thought about her that pops in my head throughout the night, but I've always been one to watch rather than do.  

        I shake my head at her and don't tell her any sweet words, as this is only our first date after all. I don't want to scare her off before any of the magic happens and if I get too clingy, she's not going to want to spend time with me. I don't care if she doesn't want to go on another date with me, but I know for a fact that I want to hang out with her for a real long time. Hopefully she feels the same about me because it would be a real shame if she didn't.  

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