chapter ten | holy ground

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chapter ten | holy ground 

I never would have imagined that I would ever be this nervous about a meal. When it boils down to it, this isn't anything more than three women eating dinner together. Two of these people happen to be younger than the other one, hoping that they'll end up together. The last lady is a good twenty years older than the others and doesn't know everyone at the table, bound to make it awkward with all her questions about absolutely everything.  

        I almost don't hear the doorbell over the sound of my beating heart, which I'm beginning to think is a serious health risk. I'm sure that a heart can only go on for so long before it explodes, leaving me with nothing to fill the empty place in my chest. I'm far too young to suffer through a heart attack, so I guess all those year of being on the track team didn't pay off. I would have such an embarrassing tombstone if it were to happen, God. Eleanora Katherine Dreher, death by potential girlfriend meeting mother. 

        I answer the door and face Indie, probably breaking a sweat in the process. She stands out there on the front porch, beaming at me like she has no life what's going on. She's wearing another one of her flow-y dresses, but this time it's a lovely yellow color and it makes her look absolutely ravishing. All of her hair is down and flowing around her face like an actual Goddess. I didn't know that someone could looks so good when it's nearing a hundred degrees Fahrenheit.  

        "I brought some pink lemonade for your mom and you," she says, as she takes shows me a giant picther full of pink liquid. "I hope that your mom will end up liking it because it would be really embarrassing if none of you guys touch it." 

        I didn't actually think that Indie would show up with a gift, although that usually tends to happen in movies that I see about this kind of thing. I don't remember if Mama even like pink lemonade, as our usual summer drink has always been water because we would rather not dehydrate. Who doesn't like lemonade, though? I feel like it's a universal drink that no one can resist, when it's offered to them. It might not be anybody's personal favorite choice of drink, but you can't deny that it taste really kind of rad. Mama has even more manners than I do, so I'm sure that even if she hates lemonade, she would drink a glass of it just to be nice. 

        "I can't speak on behalf of Mama, but I can say that I am really looking forward to drinking the lemonade. I'm sure that it tastes amazing.  You can come in the house now," I give her a smile and open the door as wide as it can open. 

        She steps into the doorframe, giving me her normal toothy grin. I shut the door at the same time that Indie slips off her sandals, placing them in a neat place near the door. Together the two of us walk into the dining room, where Mama is already sitting down at the table. 

        Once Mama sees that Indie has arrived, she gets up and comes to properly greet the girl. "You must be Indie, I've heard such great things about you," she shakes her had with Indie. "I'm Nellie's mama, but you can call me Miss Savannah or simply Savannah. Whatever works for you is fine, really." 

        "It's really nice to meet you meet you, Mrs. Dreher," she finishes the handshake with a genuine smile. "I brought you some lemonade to drink tonight and I hope that you find it refreshing. It's basically a family recipe, with all due respect for the Rao clan." 

        "That is simply too kind of you," she takes the container of the drink in her hand  

        "It was no hastle, really. I just wanted to extend the courteously that you did by allowing me to eat dinner with you tonight. I wouldn't show up to such a lovely mean empty handed, you know. Plus, how doesn't enjoy a nice glass of lemonade on the a hot summer day?" 

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