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Okay, guys! We did it! We got to Part 2! 🥳🤠 *does the Snoopy Dance* OMIGOSH THANKS SO MUCH FOR VOTING FOR THIS BOOK/ADDING IT TO UR READING LISTS/ COMMENTING!! I can't believe how many people have read this book so far! I didn't expect it! Okay, I'll stop talking, you can keep reading now :D

"But, what if she gets asked by a COMPLETE STRANGER to go to the dance?" Clay asked outloud. "Maybe I should ask her just so that doesn't happen."

"Then go ask her." John was still on the couch, just this time he had a sleeping mask over his eyes.

"Okay, you're right! I'll go ask her!" Clay stood up then stopped. "But what if I ask her and she thinks I like her?!! WHICHITOTALLYDON'TBECAUSETHATWOULDBEREALLYWEIRDIFIHAD ACRUSHONMYBESTFRIENDHEHEHEHE!!!" 

"Then don't ask her." John didn't move.

"Okay." Clay sat back down. "But, what if a random guy asks her, and she, being naive, says yes, the guy takes her, they dance, fall in love, decide to date, then he decides he doesn't want to date her cuz he's a jerk, dumps her, and breaks her sweet innocent little heart?!!"

"Then ask her," John grunted. 

"Alright." Clay stood up then stopped. "But what if--?"

"Oh my gosh!!!" John stood up and grabbed his younger brother by the shoulder. "Dude! You obviously want to ask her to the dance! You're just trying to make up lame excuses which you yourself don't even believe! Just go ask her and stop talking to me!!"

"You're right!" Clay took a deep breath in. "This is stupid. She's my best friend. I should just go ask her." He started to march, then stopped again. "But, what if--?"

John glared at him. "Bro, if you say one more word, I'm going to lock you out of the bunker."

Then he flopped back onto the couch, muttering about why he happened to be the one stuck with all these weirdos for brothers.

Clay sighed, then started toward the elevator. There he met Floyd.

"Hey, Floyd," he said, ignoring the 15 bags of groceries Floyd was trying to balance in his hands.

"MMHGDFF," Floyd said from behind the bag closest to him.

"Well, some greeting!" Clay was offended. "That's the last time I say 'Hey' to you!" And he stomped onto the elevator.

As it was going up, he heard a bunch of stuff fall and-- oof, was that glass?

"Darn itttt," came Floyd's voice. 

He must've dropped the groceries.

Clay winced but, deciding John had better stop being a lazy bum and get off the couch, ignored it.

Down below, Floyd sighed and bent down to pick up the glass from the jelly jar he had bought, along with a million other groceries.

"What was that?" Spruce came into view and saw what had happened. "Oh! Here, lemme help." He bent down to pick up the milk carton which had spilled everywhere.

"Thanks. That's the exact opposite of what Clay offered to do," Floyd said good-naturedly.

Bruce chuckled. As soon as they got the mess picked up, he helped him carry the groceries into the living room, where they dumped them on the coffee table in front of John.

"Hey!" John sat up. "You're in my space!"

"Oh, we're sorry, master!" Bruce did a fake bow. "Please accept our forgiveness." 

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