six | "start what?"

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Storming out of the elevator, I grabbed my hair, tying it up in a bun over my head as I passed doors after doors of offices until the familiar brown door of the office I was looking for came into view and I stared at it, my fierceness making me ac...

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Storming out of the elevator, I grabbed my hair, tying it up in a bun over my head as I passed doors after doors of offices until the familiar brown door of the office I was looking for came into view and I stared at it, my fierceness making me act up.

“Lily? What are you—” I heard Vienna’s gasp from her own desk on the other side of Kyst’s office and I ignored her as I entered his office, slamming the door shut behind me.

My brother startled for a second, pulling his nose out of his laptop, his eyes widening. “Lily?” He rolled his chair backwards, quickly rounding his table and coming to me.

I held my hand up, stopping him. “Do you have any idea what you’ve done?”

“Lily, look—”

“No, shut up.” Taking in a deep breath, I met his pretty blue eyes. “I may not be as talented or as experienced as you. And I definitely did not complete my graduation and masters in the span of three years, like you. I’m not as much of a genius as you, and I get that. But what you pulled with Miller Jones was disrespectful. I hated it, Kyst.”

He sighed, a sorrowful expression on his face. “I know. And I’m sorry. I never intended to make you feel any less. You are a genius, Lily. Don’t ever call yourself anything less than what you are. The thing is, the offer that Jones proposed was too good to be true so I had to accept it.” He rubbed a hand over his forehead, his fingers massaging his skin. “Without a manufacturer, it is impossible to work and there isn’t any company in the market I can trust and rely on. I’ve known Miller Jones for a while and he has a reputation in the market that will work on our side—”

“Working with him is not my problem.” I paused for a second before shaking my head. “Well, it kind of is. But the major issue is that you did it without talking to me first and that hurts. Don’t do it again, Kyst. You know I love you and that I respect you. I’ll always consider what you say but making my decisions without me—”

He shook his head, silently finishing my sentence. “I’ll never do that again. Come here, now.”

He opened his arms, tugging me to his side but I punched his chest, making him fake-wince before wrapping my arm around his waist as I hugged him. “Ew,” I muttered. “What made you such a sappy ass?”

His chest vibrated as he pushed me off him, a chuckle leaving his lips. “Shut up. And I’m sorry, Lils. I love you, okay?”

“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” I grumbled, rolling my eyes as I bit my lip in contemplation. He just shook his head as he walked back to his seat but I stood there frozen, my mind wandering. “Hey, Kyst?”

“Hmm?” He said without looking up from his laptop.

“Do you know who Miller is?”

He quizzically looked up at me. “Miller Jones? Are you okay? He’s the CEO of Jones’ Publishin—”

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