fourteen | "you are fucking drenched"

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I couldn’t stop looking at her

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I couldn’t stop looking at her.

In all of my slimy, ugly, gooey presence right now, all I wanted was to listen to her laugh again. And then, I wanted to pull her against me, again, to feel how gloriously she fit me; her body right against mine like a perfect match.

As we walked to the elevator, I kept stealing glances at her. The front of her red blouse was covered in green slime from when I’d pulled her to me earlier and she cringed as she tried to brush it off using the back of her palm.

“Ugh,” she groaned when the sticky thing only stuck to her hand instead of getting off. I could laugh out loud at the absolute horror and disgust on her face.

I shook my head and slipped my handkerchief out of my pocket. Grabbing her hand in mine, I wrapped the gray piece of cloth over her hand, wiping the slime off. She was so close to me, in her heels reaching my jaw, I could feel her sharp exhales hitting against my neck.

The corner of my lips tilted. “Nervous?” I whispered against her hair.

She jerked and pulled her fingers away, huffing. “You wish,” she said and rolled her eyes, pushing at my chest. As she realised she’d just dirtied her fingers again by touching my slime slicked shirt, her lips parted on a struggling groan.

The elevator doors opened just in time to mask my amused chuckle and I pressed a hand to her lower back, guiding her in. She shrugged out of my touch with a, “Don’t touch me,” and I pressed my lips together in an attempt at holding my grin.

It’d been a while since I’d felt the need to laugh like that.

Lily’s presence changed a lot of things for me. And it was really, really infuriating how I didn’t mind it one bit.

The moment the other employees emptied the elevator car and Lily and I started to step in, along with the other employees going above, she succumbed. I watched as she pushed the strands of her hair behind her ear and kept smoothening them even though they were straight. The people piled in and Lily went over and over into herself, trying to make her presence as non-existent as possible.

It was then I realised that Lily had always lived the life of a billionaire princess. She’d never walked in public less than public, with not one hair out of place, let alone wearing a blouse with stains on it. In her eyes, that was unceremonious; a blasphemy. Looking like anything less than what she was raised to be, what she loved to be was something that didn’t sit right with her.

“Leave.” I wasn’t thinking, obviously and it was evident as my employees looked at me like I’d grown a horn on my head. Puzzled eyes pinned me in place and I sighed. “Right now.”

The employees filed out one after the other, whispering amongst themselves but I couldn’t be bothered to care. There was an itch in my chest that screamed at me to make sure Lily was comfortable. It wasn’t something I could repress or ever hold off of. I had to do something.

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