eleven | "breakfast, of course"

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“You did what?” Ty chortled

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“You did what?” Ty chortled. Fucking chortled. That little shit.

“I had to, okay?” I grumbled, downing my tumbler of whiskey and flagging down the bartender for a refill while trying not to strangle my best friend.

“Right,” he snorted, shaking his head, his auburn hair flying with the movement. “You had to dirty text your life’s one true love so you could make a better impression? You had to. Of course you did. What will you tell me next? You weren’t hard and practically salivating as you watched her blush?”

Tyson Raymond, my late-dad’s best friend’s youngest son became my friend when he took over after his dad as the CFO of Jones Publishing House a year after I became the CEO. He’d been with me through thick and thieves, helping me with his insane abilities to roll and play with the numbers and thus enhancing our company’s profits. And despite it all, he was amongst the only few people in my life who could give me shit and not have their nose broken. Although more times than not, I still wanted to punch his pretty face, I held back because no matter how goofy or annoying he was, I still loved the guy.

“I didn’t call you here to give me a hard time,” I complained, dipping my fries in ketchup and popping them in my mouth. “Either shut up or get out.” Because if the music in this bar wasn’t loud enough and the couples dry-humping each other at every corner for as far as my eyes could see wasn’t gross as fuck, listening to Ty go on and forth about my ‘one true love’ was really pulling at my already growing headache. Besides, he didn’t even know everything that went down between Lily and I and that’s the only reason he kept calling her my ‘one true love.’

“No, you called me to give you a reality check,” he muttered, stubborn as fuck. Taking a big bite out of his burger, he slurped on the coke he’d gotten for himself while I downed my third — or was this the fourth? — whiskey.

Ty wasn’t only my best friend and an excellent mathematical prodigy but overall an amazing person too. His girlfriend of highschool, Daisy, now his wife of two years was twelve weeks pregnant and ever since she dropped that bomb on him, he’d laid off anything and everything Daisy wasn’t allowed to do. Drinking, being one of them. While that made me proud of him, it still didn’t curb how irritatingly correct he was all the time.

I had called him to give me a reality check so I could get my head on straight. What the fuck was I doing? Sending Lily dirty texts? Presuming she’d like being called my whore? This wasn’t the fucking plan. At all. And of course, my bastard of a friend had to call me out on being hard. Because fuck I was. Watching her dilated pupils and the red creeping up her neck while she tried to pay attention to what Jenny was saying. . . .Fuck.

If I were a better man, I’d forget all about that night that happened two days ago, but shit if I was. I’d jerked off to that memory of her so many times now like a pubescent kid, it was embarrassing as fuck.

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