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"WHERE THE HELL have you been!?"

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"WHERE THE HELL have you been!?"

My mother's voice is so loud over the phone I have to remove the phone from my ear for a quick second so I don't go completely deaf in one ear. Wincing, I bring the cellphone back to my ear making a face as if she could see me. "In the hospital soon if you don't calm down with all that yelling, Jesus Christ."

"I have been calling and texting you for days and you haven't responded to any. I thought something had happened, that you had gotten hurt and God forbid something worse." She says into the phone and I let out a small sigh.

It's true I haven't been the best at communication lately with my mom but it's just I've had a lot going on these last couple of weeks. Between school, Miss Sharon's constant criticism about my dancing skills, and the brooding mafia boss who seems to know my every move I just haven't had the time or courage to talk to her. As someone with a very open and honest relationship with their parents, it just doesn't seem right talking to her knowing I'm hiding something. I mean I tell my mom everything. I told her when I got my first boyfriend when I was ten and when I broke up with him two days later because he didn't share his Oreos with me. We don't keep secrets from each other but somehow telling her about Stone is just something I can't bring myself to do.

"Mom I'm fine," I reassured her as I made my way through the university quad, the phone call blocking out the sounds of the many students and their conversations. "I've been doing the same thing every day since when I first arrived like a sim. I wake up, go to class, go to rehearsal, and then repeat. It's not the most exciting thing to talk about." I force a humorous tone in my voice but I don't think it works on her because she exhales a dragged-out breath.

"Still Kylo when I call you or even send a simple text I expect a response back," I can hear the other medical personnel in the background. "I don't say that to sound overbearing and strict but it's just your safety is my main concern and how am I supposed to know you're safe up there by yourself if I don't hear from you for a couple of weeks?" I fumbled with my fingers nails, a habit of mine I thought I dropped when I turned fifteen but now and then I find myself picking at my nails, mostly in times like this when I'm being lectured by my mom and I knew if she could see me right now she would shake her head at me and tell me to stop.

"I'll work on it," I tell her.

There's a silence throughout the line for a moment before my mom clears her throat and I can imagine her fixing the glasses on her face as she sat behind a computer. "So is there anything I should know about? You haven't talked to me in weeks there has to be something other than school and dance on your mind."

I wanted to scream "There's this big scary man who gives me money to clean his office and walk his dogs and he kills people who are mean to him" but I refrained and kept my mouth closed as I thought of something else to say that won't give my mom a heart attack at work. "Well, we got a new dance instructor," I tell her instead.

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