The bunny and the human

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Once upon a time in a kingdom far away, there lived a cute bunny prince named Jungkook. Curiosity always got the better of him, and one day, he couldn't resist sneaking into the royal library. With delicate tiptoes, he made his way to a dusty old book tucked away on the highest shelf.

The book was no ordinary one; it was filled with ancient magic spells. Ignoring the warnings written on its cover, Jungkook couldn't resist flipping through its pages. As he recited one of the spells out loud, a blinding light engulfed him, and before he knew it, he was sucked into the book, tumbling headfirst into an unknown world.

Jungkook found himself in a strange room, surrounded by unfamiliar sights and smells. Before he could gather his bearings, he collided with a man lying on a bed, their eyes locking in surprise. The man quickly pinned Jungkook down, muffling his startled cries.

Dark almond eyes bore into Jungkook's, but he refused to let fear overtake him. Summoning his courage, he tried to wriggle free, but the man held him firmly in place. However, as their eyes met, an unspoken connection sparked between them.

As days passed, the man, named Taehyung, introduced Jungkook to the wonders of the modern world. Together, they explored bustling streets and towering skyscrapers, learning from each other and forming an unlikely friendship.

With each passing moment, their bond grew stronger, and Jungkook found himself falling for Taehyung's kindness and warmth. Taehyung, in turn, couldn't help but be captivated by Jungkook's innocence and bravery.

But just as their feelings blossomed, tragedy struck. A sudden incident forced Jungkook to return to his kingdom, leaving Taehyung behind with nothing but memories of their time together.

Months passed, and Taehyung found himself longing for Jungkook's presence, his heart heavy with the weight of their separation. On a quiet full moon night, he sat alone on the beach, gazing up at the luminous orb in the sky.

Soft hands covered his eyes, and Taehyung's heart skipped a beat. He chuckled, recognizing the familiar touch, and gently took hold of the person's hand, feeling warmth flood his soul.

Turning around, he found himself face to face with Jungkook, a radiant smile gracing his lips. And beside him stood a precious bundle - their baby, a symbol of their love and happiness.

With tears of joy streaming down his cheeks, Taehyung pulled Jungkook into a tight embrace, knowing that they were finally reunited, destined to be together forever in their own happily ever after.

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