Swan Deku: Chapter 5, Class 1-A, Gifts And The Acceptance Letter!

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⬆️ The Picture at the top Is Of Abigail

~The Next Day~

Location: Midoriya House-Hold, Morning, Sunday

🗣️Third POV🗣️

Midoriya Got up and Dressed In Comfey Clothes (Having Slits In his Shirts For his wings) and Went Down Stairs and Found his Mother Making Breakfast For them Both.

He Sat Down At the Table and Was Given Bacon, Eggs, and Pancakes for his Breakfast, Inko Sat down with him, With her Own Plate To Eat.

They chatted as They Ate, When They were done, They put Their Dishes in the sink and Went into the Living room To Talk.

"So. . . . Do you want to Tell me Why you Redesigned your Room and Wanted to sell Your ALL MIGHT Stuff?"

Izuku and Inko Both Sat on the couch And Izuku Spoke first.

"~~~~~~~" (Izuku mumbling, Quietly)

"What? Speak up Please, I won't get Mad at you dear" Inko Said Kindly, Smiling at him.

"H-He Told me To Be Realistic and Be a Cop, B-But I Wanted to Make You Proud Mom, And I Asked "Can A Quirkless Person Be a Hero?" and You Know What He Said?" Izuku asked, His tears Falling Onto Hawks's Feather, It moved Slightly and Warmed up (To Maybe Comfort him) Izuku Grabbed the feather Gently and Let it Lay in his Palm.

"He Said "No, Be Realistic Kid, It's Dangerous"

Inko Teared up, Her Eyes Filling with Tears

It's My fault, isn't It? I Should have Believed in him more! He's My baby!

"I'm Sorry, So, So Sorry, I Should Have Believed in you more Izuku, It's My Fault"

"No, No It's Not Your Fault Mom, None of it is, I Don't Blame You, I Love You More than You Know" Izuku Scooted over more Next to His Mother and Hugged her as She cried Into his chest.

After a Few More tears Inko Calmed Down And Hugged her son Back. "Thank you"

He Just Smiled At her Gently "You Don't Have To Thank me, Mom"

They Both Let go of each other and lay back On the Couch. "Do you Want to Watch a Movie, Sweetheart?" Inko Asked Her Son.

"Yeah, Maybe The Fox and The Hound?" He Said and Inko Nodded and Went to the Kitchen to Pop Popcorn While Izuku Picked the Movie.

They Had Soda and Popcorn While they Watched the Movie.


🪶Hawks POV🪶

I Was At The Hero Commission Building and Was Going Through Some Missions I Could Do When I Felt Tears Land On The Feather I Gave Izuku.

Is He Crying? Why?

My Wings Twitched Slightly From the tears Hitting It and I (In My Own Way Of Comforting Him) Moved it Slightly and Warmed It Up, I Felt him Gently Move it to The Palm Of his Hand. And Since It was Closer, I Could hear him Speak.

"He Said "No, Be Realistic Kid, It's Dangerous"

Is He Talking with His Mother? About All Might? Good Ridence, Too Leave Izuku Up There With his Thoughts and His Shattered World Veiw As it was. . . What if I Haven't Been There? Would he Have Been Okey?

I Shook My Head And Spotted a Kidnapping Mission and Narrowed My Eyes at it.

Damn These Other Heroes That work here, They Probably Seen This and Decided That it wasn't worth their time.

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