ROMANCE SUBGENRE [Fantasy Romance]

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Fantasy Romance aka Romantacy combines magical or mythical themes with a central romantic relationship between characters. Fantasy romance novels can be set in imaginary worlds or in the real world with fantastical elements added. The romance plot often includes a forbidden or unlikely love between characters from different worlds, such as a human falling in love with an elf. These relationships can also be challenged by external conflicts, such as wars between species, curses, or quests to save the world.

❤️ Sample blurb of a romantacy novel: Deborah Harkness weaves a rich tapestry of magic, mystery, and romance in A Discovery of Witches. The story revolves around Diana Bishop, a historian, and an unwilling witch who stumbles upon an enchanted manuscript at the Bodleian Library in Oxford.This discovery pulls her back into the world of magic, drawing the attention of the enigmatic and mysterious vampire, Matthew Clairmont. Despite a long-standing mistrust between witches and vampires, Diana and Matthew are drawn together, embarking on a journey to unravel the secrets hidden in the manuscript. As they delve deeper, they find themselves at the heart of a centuries-old conflict. Harkness combines historical depth with a spellbinding love story, creating a world where science and magic elegantly intertwine.

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