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"What the hell is this jungkook " teahyung said being so angry . Jungkook was just standing there dumbfounded while his one hand was on his cheek where he got slapped .

"W-What happened hyung what have I done " . Jungkook asked being so confused . He's eyes was sparkling because of tears . Because the slap was too hard which makes a small cut near his lips .

" Don't try to be innocent jungkook . You know very well what I'm trying to say . " teahyung was trying his best to control his anger he don't want to punish jungkook here. Atleast not infornt of his biology teacher .

"Hyung I really don't kn--" jungkook was trying to justify himself but before that namjoon cut him off ."Did you bully miss lisa .?" . Namjoon asked while gritted his teeth . Hearing this jungkook felt like his head is spinning.  He got panicked . He tried to explain this to his hyung hoping that his hyungs will understand him .

"What no h-hyung . What are you talking a-about I never bullied anyone. Infact she's the one--" jungkook couldn't stop himself and burst into tears .

Teahyung couldn't control himself and slapped him again . This time more hardly . Making him stumble on his place . " Stop lying jungkook today  professor jenne herself saw you harassing lisa In the corridor . Did we taught you that huh ".  Now jungkook was speechless he was thinking that why is professor lying when she clearly saw that lisa was holding his collar. Then why is she accusing him .

" No no hyungs t-trust me . I'm sure professor jenne has misunderstand the situation . There's nathing like that . I didn't harass lisa". Jungkook tried his best to make them understand.

"Are you trying to say that I'm laying jungkook . I don't have any personal enmity with you . Why will I accuse you falsely. I said whatever I saw . You were literally pinned her against the wall and was trying to kiss her . She was trying her best to free herself but you were forcing yourself on her " .She said with a smirk but everyone failed to notice .

Jungkook was confused as hell that why is she making a fake story to blame him . What will she get in return. He was scared from inside he was sure that his hyungs won't believe him over the professor . But still he tried to prove himself .

"Mam why are you making fake stories . I never touch her in a wrong way . Hyung hyung please believe me ." Jungkook said while he run towards Rm . And hold his hand . Because he knows his teahyung hyung won't listen to him .hw was hoping that atleast Rm will believe him . But his hope shutter when rm jerk his hand from his hold .

"I'm so disappointed on you jungkook I never thought that you will do something like that . I'm calling miss lisa right now you have apologise to her . "

After that rm send a peon to bring lisa . Soon lisa came inside the room while hanging her head low . She was acting to be scared . "Ye-yes sir did you called me . " .

"Lisa I'm going to ask you something . Don't be scared of anyone and fell comfortable to answer okey? " Rm said while eyeing jungkook . Lisa first look at jungkook like she is scread of him then she said "okey sir "

"Good . Now tell me did jungkook really bully you . Did he really harass you . From how long he is doing that to you ." Namjoon said while looking at jungkook with venom eyes .

"Hyung no it's not lik-- " jungkook was about to say something bit rm stopped him . "Shut up jungkook I'm asking her not you " he said while gritted his teeth .

"Actually sir it's been 2 weeks since jungkook is bullying me . But sir not only me he Also bullies other students  but  nobody dare to complain about him . Because he threatened us that if we complain about him then he will kick us out of the college as this college belongs to his brother . " Lisa said while looking Down . But soon she started her fake crying . " I'm sorry jungkook please trust me I didn't complain anything about you  I don't know how they comes to know about it . Please don't hurt me more " she said while showing her crocodile tears . And folding her hands together .

Jungkook was out of words . He really can't believe that she will do something like that to him . Well what can he even acpect from her . But the thing which broke his heart is that his brothers didn't believe him .

"Don't worry miss lisa . Jungkook will never hurt you again neither he will hurt anyone else . And I will make sure of it . " Teahyung said while looking at jungkook. "Hyung can I take him home now " he said rm .

"Ofcourse you can . I will be there soon . And if you want you can call others also . " rm said to teahyung knowing that if teahyung punish jungkook alone then he will punish jungkook mercilessly . Which he don't want .

Yes he agrees that jungkook should be punished for whatever he did but teahyung's punishment is worst . He doesn't want his maknea to get hurt much . after all jungkook is his brother and he can't see him in pain.

"No hyung I will deal with him by myself . Let's go jungkook . " teahyung told jungkook but he did move from his place. Jungkook was to scared to be alone with his tae hyung . Right now he just wants his jimin hyung .

Here teahyung mews trying his best to control his anger . When he saw that jungkook didn't even move from his place . So he harshly grabbed jungkook's wrist and started to drag him outside the college . Jungkook Also did protest . But he was felling pain on his wrist as teahyung was holding him so tightly .

Before walking away from the office room jungkook looked at lisa for the last time and saw that she was smirking while looking at him . And their eyes met she winked at him .

When teahyung left with jungkook jenne told lisa to go to her class . And she obeys her .

Then jenne turned to Rm who was standing there with a sad expression .

"I'm sorry sir if I did something wrong by telling you about jungkook . I just thinking about his future . He is a bright student of mine . And I will never want him to destroy his future by doing this kind of stuff . I know he is your brother and I'm sorry ." jenne was saying this with a innocent face but inside she was smiling .

"No miss jenne you don't have to be sorry . What he did was wrong and as a teacher it's your responsibility to show him his mistakes . And I'm glad that you told me about it . Otherwise who knows what he would have done in future . Thanks for informing us we will try our best to bring him on right track ". Rm said while showing his dimple smile but deep inside he knows that jungkook can't do anything like that but at the same time he was also thinking that why would professor jenne lie to them . So he decided to believe jenne rather than believing on jungkook.
Well why did professor jenne lied to them .?


𝑺𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒄𝒕 𝒃𝒓𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝒋𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒌𝒐𝒐𝒌 Where stories live. Discover now