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Chapter 55: The Blind Spot of Knowledge
Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“As long as the Kim family doesn’t fall, you’ll always have food and clothes. You don’t have to worry.”

Yeri bit her lip.

Her mind had been blank, but now, she has thought of the answer.

Based on her understanding of Minho, he hated liars.

So, instead of continuing to protest, she might as well admit it.

Yeri lowered her head, wiped her eyes, and said, “Big Brother, I know you’re good to me. After mom and dad died, you were the only one who was good to me...”

“You’re the person I rely on the most, so I... I can’t bear to leave the Kim family, and I can’t bear to leave you...”

“I... I’m really afraid that you won’t care about me anymore after sister returns...”

Yeri wiped her eyes again. There were still drops of water on the back of her hand, which she wiped away with her other hand.

She seemed to be trying really hard to calm herself and to stifle her crying. “Besides, I’m also afraid that the Kim family will fall into ruin... This is not only dad’s hard work, but also yours, Big Brother..”

“Therefore, I thought too much. I was being overly paranoid... After all, sister just came back, and we aren’t close...”

Minho really didn’t know how to deal with his younger brothers and sisters at home.

This was his blind spot.

As he watched Yeri sniffle in front of him, he felt a sense of helplessness.

“Forget it, you...”

He couldn’t bring himself to say “you didn’t mean it”, instead he simply said, “Let’s end this matter here. Ah li seems like a sensitive child. We’re under the same roof. After her anger subsides, find a suitable opportunity to apologize to her.”

Minho paused and said, “I won’t force you because I know you’re a sensible child.”

“Big Brother...” Yeri said in a muffled voice, “I understand. Don’t worry, I’ll apologize to my sister.”


Minho looked at her again and turned to head into the study to deal with some business.

Because Yeri had her head lowered, he didn’t see Yeri biting her lips and giving him a sour look.

She raised her head, the tears that had been squeezed out of her eyes had long dried up.

Yeri clenched her palms.

It was the only way she knew how to alleviate the frustration in her heart, even if just by a little.

Today, she had been too impatient and too eager in her effort to discredit Lisa. In the end, not only did she not gain any benefit, she had even been checkmated by Lisa.

Lisa’s mouth was really sharp, it had opened and given her a good trashing.

Yeri took a step forward as she thought of ways to deal with the situation. She then slowly retreated to her room.

Her big brother was an upright person. She had already made him a little upset today. If it wasn’t for the fact that she had been with him for so many years, he wouldn’t have been so polite.

If she really wanted to smooth over this matter, she had to be very careful during this period of time. She couldn’t let anything slip. She couldn’t be so hasty anymore.

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