Chapter 10: Dimples

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T.W. Read carefully, mention of r*pe, and cheating

As I stroll down the bustling street with Emmy and Aria by my side, the sight of a quaint bakery catches my eye

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As I stroll down the bustling street with Emmy and Aria by my side, the sight of a quaint bakery catches my eye. I turn to Emmy, a smile playing on my lips, and she chuckles softly in response, agreeing to indulge in some sweet treats. My excitement bubbles over as I clap my hands together, my smile radiating brightly.

Crossing the street, we step into the bakery, greeted by the tantalizing aroma of pastries and freshly brewed coffee. I inhale deeply, savoring the delightful scent that fills the air, feeling a sense of comfort wash over me. Emmy and I find a cozy booth and settle in, anticipation dancing in my veins.

A friendly waiter approaches, inquiring about our orders with a warm smile. Emmy and I place our requests, watching as she disappears into the bustling kitchen. With a contented sigh, I turn to Emmy, curiosity tugging at my thoughts.

"How come I've never seen you with anyone before?" I ask, furrowing my brow slightly. Emmy's laughter rings out, tinged with a hint of melancholy as she considers my question.

"What do you mean by that?" she responds, her gaze momentarily drifting to Aria, her tiny hands occupied with a toy.

"I mean, I've never seen you in a relationship," I explain gently. "You have one night stands here and there, but that's pretty much it."

Emmy's expression softens, her eyes reflecting a depth of emotion I hadn't seen before. She takes a moment before opening up, revealing the pain and resilience that lie beneath her tough exterior.

"Love isn't for me," she confesses, her voice tinged with a mixture of sadness and resolve. "It never has been."

 I raised her eyebrow, a look of concern mixed with curiosity. "What do you mean?" I ask softly. 

 Emmy took a moment to collect her thoughts before continuing. "The last guy I got with was Shadow's brother," she began, her voice tinged with bitterness. "He was perfect at first, everything I needed in a guy. But then he cheated on me and left with a woman he had barely met."Elena's eyes widened in surprise as she listened intently. 

"I was so heartbroken," Emmy went on, her voice wavering. "And then a few days later, I found out that I was pregnant. I didn't know what to do, but I knew that the baby was innocent, and I was going to keep her," Emmy said, her voice firm yet compassionate as she gazed at Aria.

Emmy's eyes met mine, her own filled with sorrow and vulnerability. "I had never had the best life," she began, her words trembling with emotion. "My stepdad would rape me while my own mom watched, and I would feel so lost after. The act of someone taking what wasn't theirs was nothing foreign to me." Emmy says 

My heart ached for Emmy, she was bearing the scars of a childhood stolen from her. As tears welled in my own eyes, I reached out and gently took Emmy's hand. 

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