Little miss lovergirl

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Little miss lovergirl

Giving too much love and getting none

Little miss lovergirl

Even loving them when they're gone

Never really knowing

How much love to give

Her heart never really knowing 

For who to live

It stops beating

In the middle of the night

Little miss lovergirl's not sure

If she's ever gonna love right

You can take her hand

If you win her heart

Cause how hard she loves 

Deserves an award

When little miss lovergirl loves you

She'll let you know

And when she starts loving you

She won't be able to let you go

Little miss lovergirl

She loves so hard

That love is the one thing

That tears her apart.

Fun fact: This was written at ca. 11pm in front of a store, with my best friend next to me. It was also written in under ten minutes.

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