Origins: The Doctor of this reality.

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In an alternate universe, where the threads of destiny weave a different tapestry of time and space, the tale of The Doctor begins not with grandeur, but with the quiet determination of a single Time Lord. This universe's Doctor, at the age of 950 years, remains in his first incarnation, an anomaly among his people for his lack of regenerations, a testament to his skill, luck, and perhaps a touch of caution.

Born on Gallifrey, in the shining city of the Time Lords, he was initially like any other child of his kind, curious about the universe but bound by the strict laws and traditions of his people. However, even from a young age, he exhibited a peculiar blend of brilliance and rebelliousness, questioning the Time Lords' policy of non-interference and their preference for observation over action.

As he grew, so did his restlessness, his desire to see the universe not from afar but up close, to experience its wonders and confront its horrors in person. This desire led him to the ancient and somewhat neglected corner of the Time Lords' vast archives, where he stumbled upon the Type 40 TARDISes. These were considered obsolete by his people, quaint relics of a bygone era. To him, however, the Type 40 was a vessel of infinite potential, a key to the universe waiting to be turned.

His exploits and adventures began quietly, at first, as he took to the stars with the zeal of a pioneer. Over centuries, he forged his legend through acts of courage, cunning, and compassion. He became a hero in many worlds, battling tyrants, thwarting invasions, and saving civilizations on the brink of destruction. His actions, often at odds with the Time Lords' strictures, drew their ire as much as their admiration. Yet, even they could not deny the impact he had on the universe's balance.

Recognizing his contributions and, perhaps, to keep a closer eye on him, the Time Lords officially granted him the ownership of his beloved Type 40 TARDIS. This act was unprecedented, a sign of respect and acknowledgment of his unique status among them.

Despite his victories and the accolades he'd earned, The Doctor found himself wrestling with a sense of isolation. The vastness of the universe, with all its beauty and terror, felt empty when experienced alone. The thrill of discovery and the adrenaline of danger lacked a certain depth without someone to share them with. This realization dawned on him not in the heat of battle or in the glow of a new galaxy's light, but in the quiet moments between adventures, in the silence of the TARDIS as it sailed through the void.

Determined to find a companion, someone who shared his thirst for adventure and his compassion for the beings of the universe, The Doctor set his sights on the countless stars, planets, and possibilities that lay before him. His journey to find a kindred spirit would be fraught with challenges, but for a being who had faced down empires and monsters, it was a challenge he accepted with open hearts.

And so, with the universe as his canvas and time as his to command, The Doctor embarked on this new quest. His story, already rich with the tapestry of countless adventures, was about to unfold anew. The search for a companion was not just a quest for company but a journey towards understanding the true value of connection in the infinite expanse of space and time.

In the alternate universe where The Doctor remains in his first incarnation, his childhood on Gallifrey is marked by a friendship that would shape his perspective on the universe and his place within it. This friend was none other than Captain Jack, who, in this reality, was born a Time Lord and shared The Doctor's thirst for adventure and disdain for the restrictive norms of their society.

From their earliest days at the Academy, The Doctor and Captain Jack were inseparable. Both were brilliant, albeit in different ways. The Doctor had an insatiable curiosity for the mechanics of time and space, while Jack displayed a knack for strategy and a charm that could disarm even the sternest of Time Lords. Their friendship was forged in the fire of shared curiosity and rebellion against the Time Lords' policy of non-interference.

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