Chapter 9: The Last Survivor

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The tranquility of the TARDIS was interrupted by a distress signal, cryptic and urgent, pulling The Doctor and Trinity towards an abandoned moon orbiting a gas giant in a distant star system. The signal was familiar to The Doctor, a reminder of battles long past and alliances formed in the heat of conflict.

As the TARDIS materialized on the moon's desolate surface, The Doctor's expression turned somber. "I know this signal," he revealed to Trinity. "It's from a Sontaran. A warrior race, born and bred for conflict. But this one...this one was different. We fought together, once, 200 years ago."

The moon's landscape was bleak, marked by craters and the remnants of what appeared to be a fierce battle. Not far from their landing site, the wreckage of a Sontaran ship lay half-buried in the dust, its hull scorched and twisted. Nearby, a dilapidated space station loomed, its once-imposing structure now a silhouette against the starlit sky.

The Doctor led the way to the space station, the silence of their surroundings a stark contrast to the stories he shared of the Sontarans' militaristic society and the unlikely friendship he had forged during a forgotten skirmish.

As they entered the space station, its corridors dark and air stale, Trinity felt a growing sense of unease. "If your friend sent the distress signal, where is he?" she asked, her voice echoing slightly.

"We'll find out soon enough," The Doctor replied, his sonic screwdriver illuminating the path ahead.

In the heart of the station, they found him—the Sontaran who had called for The Doctor. He was injured, his armor damaged, but alive. Upon seeing The Doctor, a flicker of recognition crossed his face, followed by surprise. "Doctor, I did not expect you to answer my call," he rasped, his voice strained.

The Doctor knelt beside him, offering aid. "You fought by my side once, Commander Strox. I couldn't ignore your call. What happened here?"

Commander Strox's story was one of betrayal and loss. His unit had been ambushed, decimated by an unseen enemy. He had managed to escape to the moon, sending the distress signal in hopes of rescue. But there was more to his tale, hints of a darker force at play on the moon, something that had begun to haunt the abandoned station.

While The Doctor attended to Strox, Trinity explored the station, her instincts telling her that not all was as it seemed. The Sontaran's story, while compelling, left too many questions unanswered. Why here? Who was the enemy? And what was lurking within the station?

Her investigation led her to a series of logs, hidden deep within the station's databanks. The entries spoke of an experiment, one that had sought to harness the energy of the gas giant below. But the experiment had gone awry, awakening something ancient, something that had lain dormant on the moon for eons.

As Trinity delved deeper into the mystery, she couldn't shake the feeling that Commander Strox was hiding something. His injuries, while severe, seemed inconsistent with his story of an ambush. And there were gaps in his account, moments he seemed unwilling to discuss.

As Trinity delved further into the station's encrypted logs, she uncovered a disturbing piece of footage that cast everything Commander Strox had told them in a new light. The grainy security video showed Strox, not as the victim of an ambush, but as the aggressor, turning on his own men with cold precision. The scene was chaotic, a betrayal that seemed to have no motive, until one of Strox's soldiers, in a desperate act of defiance, managed to shoot him before being fatally wounded himself. It was this soldier, not Strox, who had sent the distress signal to The Doctor, his last act one of hope that someone would come to stop Strox.

Realization dawned on Trinity, the pieces of the puzzle falling into place with a chilling clarity. She needed to warn The Doctor; Strox was not the ally he had once been. As she raced back through the dimly lit corridors of the space station, her mind raced with questions. What had driven Strox to such madness? And what was the darker force mentioned in the logs?

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