Chapter 7: The Devils wreckage

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The vastness of space held infinite mysteries, many of which The Doctor and Trinity had faced together. However, nothing could have prepared them for the distress signal that led them to a derelict space station orbiting a dying star. As the TARDIS materialized aboard, the eerie silence that greeted them was unlike any they had encountered before.

"This place... it's been through hell," Trinity observed, her voice echoing slightly in the empty corridors.

The Doctor, scanning the surroundings with his sonic screwdriver, nodded. "And yet, the distress signal is recent. Something survived here. We need to find out what, and why they're calling for help."

As they ventured deeper into the station, the damage became more apparent—corridors torn open to the vacuum of space, remnants of what appeared to be fierce battles, and a pervasive sense of dread that seemed almost palpable.

#### The Encounter

It was in the station's central hub that they encountered it—a creature of shadow and malice, its form shifting and flickering like a candle flame in the wind. The Doctor recognized it immediately from the stories of his youth on Gallifrey, tales meant to frighten young Time Lords into obedience.

"Weeping Devil," he whispered, a name that belied the creature's terrifying nature.

Unlike the Weeping Angels of the prime universe, known for their quantum-locked state when observed, the Weeping Devils were their antithesis. These beings thrived in direct confrontation, their gaze paralyzing their prey with fear, feeding off the temporal energy of their victims' potential futures.

The Doctor had always believed them to be mere legends, tales spun from the darker chapters of Time Lord folklore. Yet here stood one before him, a living nightmare made flesh.

"We need to move, now!" The Doctor urged Trinity, pulling her away as the creature advanced. They found themselves in a deadly game of cat and mouse, darting through the station's labyrinthine passageways, the Weeping Devil never far behind.

#### The Revelation

Taking refuge in what appeared to be the station's archives, The Doctor quickly pieced together the station's fate. It had been a research facility studying temporal anomalies, a pursuit that unwittingly attracted the attention of the Weeping Devil. The creature had descended upon the station, feeding off the crew, leaving nothing but wreckage in its wake.

"The legends on Gallifrey spoke of a higher evil being, shattered across the multiverse, creating entities like the Weeping Devil to gather time energy," The Doctor explained to Trinity as they barricaded the doors. "It seems we've found one of its harbingers."

The revelation cast their predicament in a new light. This was not merely about survival; it was about preventing the Weeping Devil from continuing its destructive path across the stars.

"We need to find a way to contain it, to stop it from hunting," The Doctor mused, his mind racing for solutions. "And I think I know how."

#### The Plan

The Doctor's plan hinged on the station's research into temporal anomalies. If they could modify the station's equipment to create a localized temporal loop, they could trap the Weeping Devil in a moment of time, effectively neutralizing the threat it posed.

Working together with precision and urgency, The Doctor and Trinity set about repurposing the station's technology. The risk was immense; a miscalculation could trap them alongside the creature, or worse. But the potential reward—a chance to stop the Weeping Devil—drove them forward.

As they prepared to enact their plan, the air thick with tension and the weight of what was to come, The Doctor and Trinity understood the stakes. They were not just fighting for their own survival, but for the countless potential victims that would follow if the Weeping Devil was allowed to roam free.

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