Twisted Fate

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Ignore the mistakes 🙏🏻

""Let's have a match," Jungkook's voice resonated in the lavish living room as Taehyung's hands were busy preparing a drink for him.

"W-What—S-Sorry?" Taehyung replied, too stunned to articulate anything.

"Another match. Let's have a combat," Jungkook's tone held mockery, and a dirty smirk adorned his face, yet his voice remained authoritative.

"I-I—again?" Taehyung gulped, a familiar flashback running through his mind.

"Yeah! Well, the last one didn't make you lose anything or harm you, so why not? And I must say this won't either!" Jungkook replied with enthusiasm.

But it did. Only Taehyung knew that the last match with Jungkook three days ago left a big blue patch beside his rib that still hurt like a bitch. So, yeah, it cost Taehyung a lot.

"S-Sure," Taehyung gulped, trying to appear strong while battling the fear of being hit and the ensuing pain.

"That's it?" Jungkook raised an eyebrow, his expressions transforming a bit, eyes lingering on Taehyung from head to toe. He could see Taehyung's fear, and it seemed to shake him up a bit.

"S-Sorry?" Another gulp, Taehyung was trying to appear strong, but the fear of being hit and the pain afterward had a grip on Taehyung's fragile heart.

"That's all it took for you to agree to it?" Jungkook asked, almost roaring. He looked mad.

"S-Surely, sir. It only benefits me. So, I agreed," Taehyung replied, avoiding Jungkook's eyes, unwillingly swallowing another growing ball of saliva.

"So, you'd do anything for the money?" Jungkook's tone felt insulting yet surprised.

"I'd do anything for my family, sir, and right now, they need this money desperately," Taehyung said, a bit of confidence dancing in his tone.

Jungkook stood there, looking at Taehyung, who resembled a joker. Jungkook had seen Taehyung a few days back, crying while treating the wound after their last combat. He knew Taehyung had quite a few blue patches on his body, thanks to Jungkook's fists.

Jungkook knew that three days ago, he had been crazy mad, and all of it was taken out on Taehyung. Yet here this dumbass was, agreeing to another combat. Three days ago, Jungkook returned from a party, mad at the reporters who kept asking questions about his ex-girlfriend, Sairah. Throughout the party, Taehyung stayed beside him. When Jungkook finally came back home, he was mad as hell.

He proposed to Taehyung to have a combat (boxing) with him and said that he could hit if he wanted. Jungkook saw Taehyung wasn't agreeing, so he further added that for every hit—whether Taehyung took the hit from Jungkook or Taehyung hit Jungkook—Jungkook would give him 2000 won. Finally, Taehyung agreed.

"I-Is it okay like this, or d-do I have to take my shirt off, sir?" Taehyung asked, stammering as he tried to appear strong.

"Get out," Jungkook's voice dropped several octaves, and his eyes locked with Taehyung.

Taehyung panicked. "I-I'm sorry, sir. I'll just take it off. I'm—I'm ready." Taehyung's hand hurriedly went to the hem of his shirt to pull it off his head, but—

"Get out, NOW!" Taehyung flinched at Jungkook's roar.

"I'm s-sorry, sir. I didn't mean to offend you. I-I'll keep my mouth shut. Y-you can proceed, please." Taehyung literally begged.

"GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE, TAEHYUNG! For at least the next 30 minutes, I don't want to see your face. Out now!" Jungkook's face scrunched in anger.

"I'm so sorry, sir. I-i'll wait outside." And with his head down, Taehyung walked out, leaving Jungkook to fall back on the couch, massaging his head and pinching the bridge of his nose. This shit was stressing him out and making him feel something he never felt before.

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