tradition (4)

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The detention had been arranged to be every night at 6pm in Snape's classroom for two consistent weeks. Hermione felt a sort of relief knowing she would have a reasonable excuse for not being in the common room after lessons. Draco, on the other hand, wasn't excited to be under Snape's crooked nose for two weeks, he was already giving him a tough time as it was.

Hermione awoke in her dorm by a big bang, someone somewhere dropped a handful of books and was now apologising and hurriedly picking them up off the floor. Hermione sighed and got up, maybe today she would attend her lessons.

She didn't sit with Ron and Harry at breakfast, instead she went over to Ginny, even though she wasn't the safest option since she was related to Ron but she was the fiercest out of the weasleys and maybe she could understand hermiones desperation.

Ginny did understand. She even walked her to her lesson and told her she could sit with her in the common room, as if Hermione was planning on going there anytime soon.

Hermione's first few lessons were fine, no one said anything and she was able to concentrate, she even thought she could make it through the day with no interruptions. This was until lesson 5.

The fifth lesson happened to be history of magic, the infamous lesson which Draco told her about previously in the astronomy tower yesterday.

She sat two desks in front of Ron where she always sat, he used to sit with her until he started dating Lavender, then he moved next to her.

"oh won won I cant wait for our date!" lavender squealed. Hermione tried her hardest to drown them out but it was difficult as Lavender was speaking louder than usual probably to get some kind of reaction out of her. Professor Binns who was elderly even in ghost terms was starting to get irritated as his lessons kept getting interrupted, this didn't seem to stop Lavender however.

"won won! I have just had the greatest idea ever!" Lavender continued, Hermione rolled her eyes, "how about... you stay at my parents house for Christmas break?"

"oh you know I would Lavender but I've actually already invited Hermione and harry over to the burrow, you know tradition and that" Ron replied in a monotone voice.

"You invited...who?" she asked cautiously.

"Hermione and Harry," Ron repeated mindlessly, "Oh no Lavender, she's my friend! come on don't be like that!" but it was too late Lavender had got up and stormed out the classroom, slamming the door on the way out, serves her right, Hermione thought. There was a quiet snicker coming from the left side of the classroom around the area Draco was usually sat, she couldn't help but smirk herself.

The ancient teacher sighed heavily, "well, I guess Mr Weasley you may as well go after her," he pointed towards the door and Ron got up hesitantly.

Ron and Lavender didn't end up returning to the lesson which Hermione and probably the rest of the class were thankful for.

As Hermione gathered up her books and began walking out the class she wondered where she could go that wasn't the common room before she had to go to her detention. She didn't want to go to the astronomy tower again as that would be just too much Draco Malfoy for one day so instead she walked over to the tree next to the black lake where she and Viktor Krum used to sit. It was a nice quiet place, only downside being how cold it was outside in the November air.

She opened up one of her thick books to do some light reading but was soon interrupted by no other than Harry Potter himself, "you okay 'mione?" he asked as he got close enough to her, she herself jumped since she didn't see him approach but she soon softened her gaze and started smiling, "yeah, how'd you find me?" she patted down the ground next to her for him to sit and he did, "saw you walking out of binns' lesson,"

"ah," she nodded.

"why've you been avoiding the common room, we've missed you,"

"I think you know why Harry, and who's 'we'?" she answered and asked,

"Oh don't be daft 'mione, me and Ron,"

She laughed, he looked at her, "i'm fully serious,"

"I know what he's said about me Harry,"

"Hermione, you know how Ron is, you know he doesn't mean it,"

"he still said it,"

Harry sighed and ran his hand through his hair, "Look Harry I know what situation you're in and I don't want you to pick sides but I plead for you to understand my frustration," Harry then looked at her quickly and nodded vigorously, "I understand," she smiled at him. "you wanna go to the common room with me? Rons not there,"

"its fine, I have some homework to catch up on, then I have a detention I have to get to," she replied nonchalantly.

"detention," he repeated, "what have you been up to,"he smirked.

"skipped curfew," she laughed.

Harry had left and Hermione lazily did some of her homework until the clock read 5:45 and she decided to head down to the dungeons for her detention. She thought to stay on Snape's good side and being early surely was better than being late.

She walked slowly down the old corridors and when the temperature started to decrease she knew she was closer to the dungeons, she walked down the dark tunnel and into the classroom, there, Snape sat tall at his desk.

He merely looked over the parchment he was marking and said "take a seat" so she sat around the middle of the classroom. She looked around and she was the only one there, her watch read 6:02. Draco was late.

Snape walked over to her with some fresh parchment and ink, she reached over the desk to grab her bag and take her quill out when the rusty dungeon door opened, "mr Malfoy," Snape announced nasally, "did you get lost?"

"No, sorry,"

"Then where have you been," Snape raised his eyebrow

As Hermione turned around Draco stepped into the candlelight and what appeared to be a fresh bruise on his left eye was turning into a black eye.   She let out a quiet  gasp and Snape shook his head, "sit down,"the teacher  said sternly.

irrevocable (dramione)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon