Parties (10)

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"Have you guys heard about a party?" She asked as she sat down at their usual spot on the Gryffindor table in the great hall, she was now welcomed back as Lavender somewhat tolerated her because of her confession.

"Oh yeah, they've been planning it for ages now," Ron said with a cheese sandwich in his hand.

"Why has no one told me?" 

"Well 'mione, you haven't been in the common room in a while, I guess you must have missed the talk," said Harry.

"Are you guys going,"she asked.

"Lavender wants to so I may as well,"

"Yeah I might go for a bit," Harry added.

If only they had said they were going to stay in the common room or something, she'd have an excuse to stay in her dorm, but now she felt even more pressured to attend. Draco's comment had kept her up all night and it was driving her insane. Why him?

Nothing really happened in lessons except that they occasionally made eye contact but otherwise she spent the entire time daydreaming about what she'd wear, which was so unlike her.

She got to her dorm after lessons and pulled her wardrobe apart, she called up Ginny for help and both of them searched through piles upon piles of clothes until Ginny pulled out a short black dress, "I think this is your best bet,"

"is it not too short?" she asked and Ginny shrugged, she went and changed and when she came out, Ginny gasped, "you look so good!" Hermione blushed. Ginny helped her out with her hair, she put it in a cute ponytail that framed her face and then did her makeup, then Hermione did the same thing for Ginny and they were ready to go.

They met up with Harry downstairs and he was starstruck when he saw Ginny which made Hermione laugh. They had to be quiet whilst going to the room of requirements in case any teachers found out, "You know I heard they managed to get fire whiskey," Ginny announced, "thats good, might make this night somewhat enjoyable,"

"Oh don't be so miserable Hermione, it will be fun!' Harry nudged her. They got to the door and when they walked in the room was full of noise and it was extremely crowded. 

They managed to get to the drinks table and Hermione got herself a cup of a suspicious looking drink, Harry and Ginny went off to dance. She was standing awkwardly with her cup, trying to spot Ron or Lavender, whilst Seamus was chatting away to her, trying to convince her to try out his new drinking game, when someone suddenly nudged into her causing her to spill her drink on the person in front of her, "Oh my god, I'm so sorry,"

He turned around. It was Draco. 

"Decided to come then, have you?" he wiped his shirt and started walking towards a bathroom to go clean up. She didn't know if it was because of the suspicious drink she had drunk or what but she had found herself following him, "let me help clean it up," 

He didn't protest. 

They entered the bathroom and Draco closed the door, quieting the party on the other side, Hermione was gathering up wet paper towels and bringing them towards him.

She gently dabbed his shirt with the towel and he just looked at her, she was suddenly very aware that she was touching his chest, she could see him smirking from the corner of her eye, that stupid Draco Malfoy smirk.

"Was this just a clever plan to get me alone," his smirk grew.

"well you stopped coming to the astronomy tower," she was doing anything to avoid his stare, "missed me Granger?" he started playing with her hair, twirling it in his fingers, she couldn't help herself from blushing, she was now dabbing his shirt with tissues again trying to distract herself from what was happening. The room was starting to feel hot and she could swear that his stare was burning a hole into her soul. She had ran out of towels and had no other option but to look at him. He laughed, "you could have just used a drying spell," and then he moved his hand onto her neck, pulled her in and kissed her.

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