Amortentia (8)

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As the students entered the classroom, Professor Slughorn was stood smugly at the front desk, he quickly ushered them in and gestured for them to gather around the desk, the students naturally separated into their houses; Slytherin on the left; Gryffindor on the right. All the eyes eagerly looked up at Slughorn, curious on what was about to be presented, all but one, Draco seemed to be more interested in Lavenders sudden interest in Hermione's bag, whilst no one was looking the dirty blonde was crouched down near Hermione's usual desk. It was the perfect crime really, no one had noticed, no one except Draco.

Slowly, quietly and smoothly Draco sneaked up behind Lavender and suddenly grabbed her arm, she let out a gasp, "has no one ever taught you not snoop around in other peoples belongings," he whispered in her ear, "let go of her stuff and don't cause a scene Brown," He walked back to his place before she had a chance to respond and Lavender had listened and gingerly went back to Parvati.

To everyones shock, Ron had joined them, he came in later than everyone else but he quietly went over to stand next to Lavender who of course, gawped up at him. 

Now that the entire class had arrived and calmed down, Slughorn had cleared his throat and everyone eagerly listened, it seemed as if it were about to be a fun lesson, "can anyone tell me what this potion in front of me is?" Slughorn asked.

Unsurprisingly, Hermione had raised her hand highly.

"Yes Miss Granger,"

"Its Amortentia sir," she answered.

 "You recognised it! I suppose, by its distinctive mother-of-pearl sheen?"

"And the steam rising in characteristic spirals, and it's supposed to smell differently to each of according to what attracts us, and I can smell mint and new parchment and... apples" she answered but she said the last part more quietly. 

"Thats right! Amortentia is a powerful potion, too advanced for most of you... a fountain of it is kept in the department of mysteries. However, I have managed to bring some in for us to study today," 

Draco struggled to concentrate as the smell of coffee, parchment, and a earthy but sweet fragrance filled his nostrils, he couldn't place who it reminded him of. 

"Now does anyone know the dangers of this particular potion?"

Lavender shyly lifted up her hand and Slughorn nodded, 

"The potion can't create actual love, it only has the effect of obsession which makes it dangerous,"

Hermione stopped listening, she was worried, was that Ron she smelt in the potion? She couldn't let Lavender know. 

She was too distracted, and she started feeling slightly lightheaded. Her heart was racing and her thoughts were scrambled up, she felt a strange sensation of being watched. It was all very overwhelming and the intense smell of apples was not helping.

The lesson had finished and she was the last one to leave, she let Harry go ahead with Ron and Lavender but later she noticed he didn't end up going with them anyway.

She grabbed her books and began walking up the hallway as she reached a turn, her path was obstructed and she mindlessly walked into a tall figure causing her to drop her books, the smell of apples returned and as she looked up, an annoyed Draco stared back, "watch where you're going Granger," but his expression changed, a similar scent filled his nostrils, it was earthy but sweet and there was a hint of coffee, the discarded books on the floor released a smell of parchment too. They both stared at each other as realisation hit, a minute of silence which felt like eternity to them passed. 

Hermione regained control of her thoughts first, "I... I have to go," she picked up her books quickly and walked off, when she looked back, Draco had not moved. She scurried off to the girls toilets, when she opened the door, Lavender was there.


When the lesson had finished, Lavender and Ron walked out hand in hand, she was excited to discuss with him what they had smelt and she was glad he was feeling better and out of the hospital wing. They walked over to the gardens for their break and sat on the fence wall, "I definitely smelt you in the potion!" she announced to him, "what did you smell?"

"Yeah I think I smelt you too, it was like sweet but earthy, and you are very sweet Lav', and then there was this hint of coffee too I think,"

"Oh... yeah," she replied cautiously, that didn't sound like her but maybe she was overthinking it, "well... um I had a strange encounter with Draco Malfoy before,"

"ugh I hate him, what happened?" Ron asked.

"I was going through Hermione's bag and he snapped at me!"

"why were you going through her bag," he asked with a mouthful of some kind of chocolate.

"I have my reasons, did you say you smelt coffee?"

"Yeah, why?"

"doesn't matter, do you mind if I go to the bathroom, I need to powder my nose,"

"Mhmm sure," she got off the wall and headed over to the bathroom, she was trying to not think about what Ron said too strongly, she never drank coffee, she had always hated it and it smelt earthy? What did that mean, it was definitely not her.

She entered the bathroom and walked over to a sink.


Hermione gave Lavender a weak smile and stood at the sink next to her, she was still thinking about the amortentia. On one hand she was glad it wasn't Ron, but what if it was Draco, which was worse? She brushed through her hair and took her perfume out of her bag and sprayed herself to freshen herself up when she heard a soft whimper next to her, she looked over and Lavender had tears in her eyes, "earthy but sweet," she whispered and collapsed onto the floor crying.

Hermione confused crouched down next to her, "what happened?"

"he smelt YOU in the amortentia," she said through tears.

This had to be some kind of misunderstanding, did the universe really hate her that much, "Lavender, I'm sure he didn't, and even if he did it doesn't necessarily mean he likes me, amortentia is simply smells that attract you"

"but it was so clearly you," she sobs, "the perfume you just sprayed... its earthy and sweet, and- and I always see you with coffee and he smelt coffee!"

Hermione sighed and wiped her tears with a tissue. 

"I just want him to love me!" Lavender whined.

"He does Lavender, you said it yourself that he chose you over me,"

"that's true," she sniffled, "did you smell him?"

"erm no... I mean at first I thought I did but..." 

"but what?" Lavender says as she wiped her eyes

"I think I smelt Draco," she admits

Lavenders eyes widened, whatever she was expecting wasn't this and endless possibilities have just been opened. 

"come here...your mascara is all smudged and please Lavender don't tell anyone" Hermione said gently as she wiped Lavenders under eyes. Lavender smirked a menacing smirk and said, "your secrets safe with me, thanks Hermione,"

Authors note: I cant lie 'this is what makes us girls' by Lana Del Rey was playing through my head whilst I was writing the end of this chapter.

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