Chapter 3

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Thedrick and Beowulf were both seated cross legged on the floor of the princess's room. Beowulf had the nine-month-old baby sitting in his lap, with one hand against her back to steady her, and the other jiggling a toy up and down in front of her for her amusement. Maerwynn was watching the toy intensely with her large red eyes, not smiling like many babies would in response to this, instead wearing an expression of serious concentration. In fact, Thedrick then realised that she wasn't looking at the toy, but at Beowulf's hand.

When Beowulf moved the toy closer to her, Maerwynn suddenly leaned forward and grabbed at his large hand with her tiny ones. Thedrick saw Beowulf's expression turn to slight surprise, but then he allowed the princess to pull his hand towards her pale face. Then she opened her mouth, and Thedrick was taken off guard when he saw four small sharp fangs in there, which she promptly sunk into Beowulf's flesh.

Yelping in surprise Beowulf tried to pull his hand away, but Maerwynn held on, and Beowulf stopped when he realised her head was moving with his hand. The guard swore under his breath, before relinquishing the hand back to the princess, allowing her to drink his blood, which was pooling messily around her lips.

Thedrick and Beowulf exchanged concerned glances. Thedrick felt a heaviness in the pit of his stomach. His fear had finally been realised. Sighing, the jester got to his feet while Beowulf was looking down at the vampire baby in his lap with concern. "I'll go fetch Baz," Thedrick mumbled, turning and heading out of the room.

The jester almost felt like his heart stopped as he stepped out of the door and came face to face with the nursemaid. She looked equally startled for a moment, before her expression changed into a scowl as she glared down at Thedrick.

"Oh, Effie, you can't go in there at the moment!" Thedrick exclaimed, panic clutching his heart as he stood firm between her and the door, mind racing to find an excuse.

"Why not?" Effie snapped with annoyance, frowning at Thedrick.

"B-Because... the princess has vomited everywhere, and it could be contagious, we wouldn't want you getting sick as well! I'm off to fetch Balthasar to examine her, you should stay away for now," Thedrick tried not to let his voice waver with his nerves, lest he give away his lie.

"Well then, I should get in there and help Beowulf clean it up," she said firmly, clearly ignoring Thedrick's warning.

"No no no, you should wait until Balthasar says it's safe!" Thedrick insisted, giving her a pleading look. "You can even come with me to get him if you like!"

Crossing her arms over her chest, Effie looked down at the jester with contempt. "Fine, let's go fetch the chirurgeon."

Thedrick tried not to sigh with relief, just nodded his head in thanks instead. "Let's make haste then!" He stepped around her and led the way off down the hallway towards the stairs to the first floor.

Effie followed the jester but said nothing to him as they made their way through the castle halls towards the infirmary. Thedrick could feel her eyes staring into his back, making him feel awfully uncomfortable. He tried to ignore it and walked as quickly as he could to reach their destination, feeling almost relieved when he pushed open the door to the infirmary and saw Balthasar seated at his desk within. The chirurgeon looked up at the unlikely pair in slight surprise as they entered and approached him.

"Balthasar, something has happened with Maerwynn, I think she might be sick," Thedrick explained as he walked towards Balthasar's desk, winking at the chirurgeon frantically, as Effie was behind him still so she wouldn't see it. "You should come and examine her right away."

Balthasar now gave the jester a look of confusion, though slowly got to his feet anyway. "Of course, let's hurry to the princess right away," the chirurgeon said with a nod, walking towards Thedrick and Effie. Together they left the infirmary and started walking back to the princess's room, Thedrick walking quickly to keep up with Balthasar's long strides so he could walk next to him, while Effie remained walking slightly behind them.

Lunar Flare Book 2: Midnight EclipseWhere stories live. Discover now