chapter 23 "disturbing secrets in the night"

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Ashley's POV

I waited for it to be well into the night before I got on the move, putting on a pair of sleek black leggings, long sleeve black top, a tight fitting black hoodie jacket and some black socks and shoes.

I felt ridiculous in a way but it at least would keep me hidden safely from the mutts, it was like a low budget version of my normal uniform, it would have to do for now, the only thing it lacked was actual protection.

I looked out the window and took a deep breath, staring out at the stars, then to the distant glow of the city lights.

The night was quiet, I could only imagine what my team was doing back home, if they had left the country already maybe, I doubted it but I'm sure they were ordered to.

I wondered what Sam was doing right about now...I'm sure he probably tried to come up with a plan to get me.

I just hoped the others talked him out of it, I didn't want him getting hurt.

"Don't worry guys...I'll be home soon" I mumbled to myself, that feeling of longing in my heart again, I walked over grabbing some bobby pins from my nightstand, I was lucky they had just basic locks on this door, still heavy duty but not magnetic thankfully.

I had left the tracker hidden under the bed so it would take a while to notice I was gone.

I crouched by the door so I could get a good look at the lock as I shoved two bobby pins into the locking mechanism.

I just needed to get the pins in the lock to pop up enough to get it to unlock.

I'll admit it took me five minutes, it had been a while since i picked a lock with bobby pins, so I was a little rusty to start with.

I had purposely waited till the guard changed over so no one would be watching my door.

When changing over positions it left me a window to move about without being seen or heard.

My ears were graced with the satisfying click of the lock as it finally fell to my stubborn picking, oh I could just feel the grin on my face as I slowly slipped out of the door.

I made sure to attempt to jam the lock shut with some pins, getting them wedged inside so it would be a pain to get the door unlocked.

I made a quick and careful effort to look down the Halls cautiously as I quietly but swiftly made my way down the halls, light on my feet barely making a sound as I passed over the hardwood floors.

I had about 10 minutes of time before any guards came this way if I had guessed right.

Making my way down these stairs took a little while, I couldn't risk being too hasty, I had to freeze at every minor noise just in case someone had noticed my movements.

At one point I ended up hiding behind some drape curtains as a young teen wolf grabbed what I assume was a late midnight snack from the kitchen, obviously too tired and too young to notice me.

Still, it had me holding my breath like I was going to die.

I didn't have any weapons on me and even if I did it just felt wrong attacking kids, even if they were mutts.

I wasn't a monster I had morals, I may not like them but I'd be damned if I killed a kid before they had a chance to be good or bad.

I made it to the gym area without any issues, step one of the escape plan a success, now i just had to make it out of here in time.

I made my way over to the glass door and again began my lock picking, it took me much less time this time around but I was still cutting it close.

I was counting down in my head how much time I head left and my window of escape was uncomfortably shrinking.

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