Chapter 27 "a flock without its heart"

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Robin POV

It had been around a month now since Ash had handed herself over to Supreme Alpha Damien in exchange for Samuels safe release back to us.

That night still played in my mind, the way Ash looked at me trying to reassure me but I knew she was scared, I knew she didn't want to accept being his mate but she was a damn good big sister.

Samuel had been beating himself up over it, he blamed himself for getting Ash caught believing if he had just stayed home maybe things would have been different.

With Ashley captured I was team leader, and being team leader I refused to leave this blasted continent until Ash was with us again, I knew she'd be trying to get to us. But she made it very clear that we were not to try going after her, that car ride had been mostly silent aside from her last orders to us.

"Don't come for me until I make first contact, I don't want you to risk getting captured and I can't help you...this is my problem and my mission, Robin i don't want any of you coming. I mean it.

I'll contact you when it's safe to come get me, but just back off for now, if they think you're a threat it's only a matter of time they come looking for you again.

Stay together, protect each other, and don't you dare pull something I would do or I'll kick your asses"

It was endearing at the time, but now?

We just felt incomplete without her.

I had already told the rebellion leaders they were crazy if they thought we were returning without Ash, we were a team and they could shove it where the sun doesn't shine if they thought we would abandon her.

I spent the first few days checking security cameras and radio waves to see if Ash had made her escape already but after the first week I started to realise something.

There was a genuine possibility she wasn't coming back from this, and it was only a matter of time before this started messing with her head.

Part of me hoped she found Jenny, at least they could be a pillar for each other to lean on.

I had to shake the thoughts from my mind, I wasn't going to give up on her, Ashley was strong and smart, there was no way she hadn't already tried. there had to be at least 4 plans in her mind, I was sure of it.

I spent a lot of my time couped up in my room, constantly working or trying to find a way to contact Ashley, but she didn't have her phone on her, I could tell.

Because every time I tried to contact it or tap its microphone I found nothing but static silence in some kind of box.

I refused to give up though, I kept that line open ready for whenever she was able to contact me again, I would be there for her, I would wait for her no matter what.

I was her right hand, and I'd be damned if my loyalty was questioned.


I guess Andrew and Rose thought I had been in my room too long by now, they knew how close me and Ash were, we had spent the most time together out of the whole team.

Well accept the twins, but that's an unfair advantage being born together.

I had been Ashley's tech guy for the majority of her career as Ghost, I helped her, I covered for her, I was the man who helped make the magic happen without anyone ever knowing.

Accept that damn Alpha guy.

Oh if I didn't already hate him I certainly did now.

"Robin! Come on my friend you're doing it again, we are all worried about Ash but she'll be ok, she would be mad at you for being so hard on yourself" Rose shook me by my shoulders.

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