chapter 28: Mate struggle's

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Damiens POV

It had been a long night getting Ashley back to the pack house, even more so in getting her to cooperate to get some sleep, her stubbornness was going to be the death of me if I didn't manage to find some common ground and at least get some peace.

Having my mate in the same bed as me already calmed my wolf, but as much as I wanted to hold her she needed space.

I was exhausted but I couldn't seem to quiet my raging thoughts.

What was I going to do in this situation?

How was I going to earn her trust?

How could I get her to leave the rebellion she's so adamant about staying with?

How was I going to get the pack to fully accept her?

How was my family going to react to her?

When would it be a good time to tell the pack?

How could I get her to trust me enough to let me into her heart?

Why did she hate wolves so much?

What did she mean by raids?

It was a jumbled mess as more and more questions and thoughts rampaged my mind so relentlessly.

I couldn't sleep, I was afraid if I closed my eyes Ashley would run from me again, as much as I admired her determination, strength and capabilities.

It hurt me down to my soul that she would go to such lengths to run away from me.

I wanted to know everything about my mate, my little ghost, she was so strong and so strong minded, and I had no idea how to be the mate she needed.

I know the moon goddess has her plans and I know she paired me and Ashley for a reason but right now I couldn't help but feel this was just some horrible joke played on us both.

It's clear Ashley didn't want a mate, and I've always wanted a mate.

A mate who loves me and would stand by me so we can lead our pack together.

I deep sigh softly escaped my lips as I watched Ashley's back, her hair fell like a black waterfall of ribbons onto my pillow. I wanted to run my fingers through her hair, feel just how silky soft it was again.

But I'm sure she would break my hand if I woke her again.

I wanted to know what she liked, what she didn't like, what she enjoyed doing, her favourite food, her favourite flowers, what hobbies she had, her friends and family. I wanted to know what her favourite season was, if she liked pancakes or waffles.

I just wanted to know the woman who laid beside me, more than just the dangerous and violent terrorist others viewed her as.

I was going to need help, and it hurt my wolf's pride seeking others for guidance about my own mate.

What had worried me the most was the nightmare she had been having.

It was so terrible, her mind was so vulnerable, I managed to join her in her dream to try and calm her

But what I saw in her dream was horrific.

It felt too real to be made up, this had to be a memory, I was sure of it.

By the time I found her she was just a little girl so distraught and upset, I spent time calming her down.

I was happy to give her some comfort and as her mate, I could feel the bond strengthen as she stayed close to me finding safety in my arms and protection.

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