Chapter 3- Meeting Her PT-1

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Next day

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Next day.....Sunday....Early Morning.... At 7th Street NW, Connecticut Avenue....

Gibbs Pov:

It's around 07.30 early morning and I checked at least five times to make sure that I got the address right. I have been waiting in front of the house for nearly an hour now.

Still no sign of her.

After reading everything Jack told me about Olivia in that letter, there was nothing that could stop me from meeting her in person. I wanted to see her for myself. See my daughter with my own eyes. It's the only way I could really believe that it was all real. That she was real.

So the first thing I did after reading the letter was get in touch with the law firm who had sent me the letter. They connected me with Jack's attorney who had executed her will, which had detailed instructions and information required to send me the letter itseemed. Although it took nearly 2 months for the firm to sort through all of Jack's legal affairs and send the letter to me. I then grilled the lawyer for all the information I needed. All about Jack's death, about her will, Olivia's current address, her contact information. Everything he could give me. And then contacted The Hawaii PD and requested Jack's case file.

Jack died two months ago in a car accident. It looked like she had lost control of the car when she tried to swear off a doe and crashed down a hill. DoA on scene. Olivia had been still studying in France at the time but then it looked like she moved to D.C a month and half after Jack's death as far as I could tell.

Car accident. It seems to be a continuing pattern in my life. For a second the overwhelming weight of Jack's death, the remainder of how Shannon and Kelly's died, felt like it might crush me altogether.

Hearing about Jack's death was bad enough already but when I imagined the pain Olivia must have felt when she heard about Jack's death...All she had was Jack.

It's been nearly 2 months.

Two months since Jack died. Two months since Olivia has been living on her own, all alone while mourning her mother's death without no one by her side.

I have first hand experience on how devastating losing a loved one can be. I have lived it way too many times than anyone should, especially how losing a mother can change someone. The thought of my daughter going through that kind of pain all alone by herself? I can't imagine how she must have felt. Can't help but wonder how much she must have endured just within these past 2 months..She had lost the only important person in her life. How has she been coping with her grief? How is she handling everything?

There was no one to blame for this. I know that. This was what we were dealt with. I, for one, have had a first row seat at how cruel and unfair life can be. Bad things happen to good people all the time. There's nothing anyone can do about it. Life is unfair and unjust. You just have to keep on rolling with the punches that life throws at you, if you want to survive.

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