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From the earliest moments of my existence, I felt a presence watching over me- a silent guardian that walked beside me through the trials and tribulations of life. I couldn't see them, nor could I hear their whispers in the wind, but I could feel their comforting embrace in the depths of my soul.

As I navigated the twists and turns of my journey, facing hardships that seemed insurmountable at times, that presence has yet remained steadfast by my side. In moments of despair, when the weight of the world threatened to crush what I had left of my spirit, I always felt a gentle touch guiding me towards a light. And in the moments of fleeting joy, when laughter just barely grazed upon the wind, I sensed a warmth that enveloped me like a cocoon of love.

I didn't know who or what this guardian angel was, but I knew they were there, watching over me with a tenderness that somehow defied comprehension. And as the years passed and the trials of life grew ever more daunting, I found solace in their silent vigil, drawing strength from the knowledge that I was never really truly alone.

Yet, as the shadows lengthened and the darkness threatened to consume me, something changed–a subtle shift in the fabric of reality that I couldn't grasp. It was as if the presence that had been guiding me for so long had finally grown closer, its essence ever so intertwined with my own in ways I couldn't begin to fathom.

And then, one fateful night, as the stars burned bright in the heavens above, I could feel a presence beside me unlike any other I've felt before. It was as if the very air had cackled with a surge of energy, powering through my veins like a wildfire.

I turned to face the source of this newfound presence, my heart racing in my chest as I beheld a figure bathed in celestial light–a being of such beauty and grace that I could scarcely believe they were real. And, in that moment as our eyes met, I felt something stir within me–a longing so deep and profound that it took my breath away.

In that moment, a realization washed over me like a wave crashing against the shore– a sudden clarity that pierced through the fog of confusion and uncertainty on who or what this presence was. I knew his name, not because he had told me or spoke it aloud, but because it resonated within me, as if it had always been a part of me, a part of who I was.

"Sylas." I whispered, the sound of his name a revelation on my own lips. And as I spoke, the air around us seemed to shimmer with energy, as if acknowledging the truth of my words. 

In that moment, I understood that some truths transcended language–that the bond between us seemed even deeper than mere words could express. And as I stood there, bathed in the soft glow of moonlight, I knew that I knew that I had discovered something precious– a connection that would endure for all eternity, bound not by words, but by the silent language of the heart.

A/N - Heyyy welcome to the story, I hope you enjoyed reading the introduction! Tell me your thoughts on it so far! :) 

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