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Marco tossed me my makeup bag. "Put on a darker red lipstick or some shade of pink. Or whatever that glossy stuff girls wear". Marco says, referring to lipgloss as the 'glossy stuff'.

"Mhm." I say, taking out a clear lipgloss. "Try the dark one". Marco says, taking out a small tube of a sheer black lip gloss. It was mainly clear, but a small dark color appeared.

"You have an eye for beauty my friend". I say, applying it. "What can I say? I'm just that cool". He says, smirking. "You should paint your nails too. They're looking a lot like a depression statement". Marco says, earning a small slap on the shoulder.

"How about red to match my thong?" I sarcastically say, standing up and straightening my dress out a bit. "I'm sure whoever's gonna hook up with you's gonna appreciate that small detail". Marco jokes, seeing me open my mouth in shock.

"And who would that be?" I say, going to my closet and taking a pair of small heels. "Maybe Niccolo would finally get sick of Virgina..." "Marco Giuseppe Amerigo!" I interject, shocked he would make such a suggestion.

"Hey! He's a jealous twat and maybe he's into you when you're looking like that". He tries to reason. "I think you've officially lost it".  I say, shaking my head and sitting down next to him on the edge of my bed, fastening the heels.

"What are you wearing to the party anyway, Marco?" I ask, draping a hand around his shoulder and placing my head on it. "I dunno. Everyone wears a nicer shirt of some sort since usually Brando's parties are business esque and teenage hormones with drinks and multiple rooms with locks on them". Marco explains, scoffing.

"Sounds about right." I agree, lifting my head from his shoulder and standing up. "Well, let's go over to your place and figure that all out and then head over to Brando's." I suggest.


I entered Cami's room. She was putting on earrings when she looked over at me. "Gotta go pick up Virginia in ten. Be ready". I warn. She nods. She put on some heels and stood up. Her phone dinged.

"Holy- Nicco did you see Serena's insta story?" She says, showing me her phone. It was a picture of Serena walking with Marco, his hand around her hip. Were those assholes actually together?

No way. There's no way. She scrolled to the next picture, of Marco putting his head on her shoulder. "Doesn't Serena look so beautiful in these? Honestly. I don't get why you hate her so much". Camilla says, amazed.

"Are those two really together?" I say, shocked. I had this stupid feeling. Were those two seriously together. Something in me switched. I had to see her. I had to take her away from him.

And that's exactly what I'm gonna do.

Afraid•Niccolo Genoveder Rossi •Where stories live. Discover now